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Obama’s Trap – God Help Us

President Obama really has been taken hostage by aliens.

If we divide the two trillion dollars, which Bush and Obama has allowed to be stolen by Wall Street and other cheats, by all the households in this country – approximately million, according to the U.S. Commerce Dept. and Census Bureau – the U.S. Government could have written a check for more than $200,000 to us all. And if you subtract those who really do not need any help we would reach about $300,000 each.

This of course would have been much too simple for politicians of any stripe.

Throughout nature, human individual life, as well as collective community life; before something truly new can grow or come, the old must be burned down or destroyed. The U.S. Banking system, coupled with Wall Street, is history’s most corrupt and inefficient system ever devised and operated. Globally, bankers have facilitated the rape and pillage of other countries, forcing them to produce certain crops or industries which ensured their fall or ineffectiveness. Bankers have always placed money in limited areas, such as oil today, wheat tomorrow, to dictate to the financial markets how to behave. Up until recent times, our government use to borrow money from its citizens to get itself out of debt or to finance social or military things. Today, the U.S. Treasury has sold off the United States future to foreigners from China, Germany, Arabs and elsewhere who constantly threaten our Presidents and other officials to make certain policies on the pain of them pulling the plug on the debt we owe.

If anyone believes that there is a God, then they should recognize that it was utterly unnatural and immoral for the adults of today to approve our leaders to bail out a bunch of shading lying cheats dressing themselves up as bankers and investment types. Yes, yes I know; Capitalism is the god of America and more and more the world, but this does not mean that such corruptions should be attributed to those of us who do not associate ourselves with it.

I could have lived with Bush spending a trillion dollars in trying to clean up the mess that he and the greedy elites made. But Obama I found it hard to stomach. He came with a message of change, and not the same, yet he supported the same and not change. And once a politician commits one bad act, they never admit that they acted badly and will compound the bad act with a series of extra ones.

What if Bush and Obama took the now 2, and about to be 4 trillion dollars and simply supplied it to all the local Credit Unions and small local banks who behaved well and responsibly? What if so much was supplied them with a charter to bail out all the homeowners and small businesses in their communities under FHA type lending plans? What if….

If this had happened, our world would look a hell of a lot different now.

For one, we would have seen most, if not all the crooks in banking and Wall Street jumping out of their high rises and yachts. AIG, and all the other corrupt organs of our society would have been removed. A new generation of executives would have been born who would have had the lessons of destruction clearly implanted in their minds and would have marched on to produce cleaner, healthier types of banking and investment firms.

Secondly, us smaller people on a local level would be doing well. Our local, state and federal governments coffers would have secured lots of revenue from the money it returned to us via bank loans and it would have been free to pursue the health care reforms it so desired.

One critical piece of history was overlooked by Obama. He recognized that big change such as health care reform comes easiest during crisis. What he failed to do was to allow the sins of the banking and investment industry to fail on their own merits. He is propping up what will eventually have to fall anyway. It’s only a matter of time. If he had allowed them to fall, then he would have been able to reform health care in a real way. Now the will have to settle for some crumbs, if that.

The Democrats are as ignorant and power hungry as Republicans. We really do need a truly Independent party. One that can focus only on the people. Why were adults so stupidly blind to the insights of Ross Perot or, what’s his name? That consumer rights advocate that ran a couple of times for president and who the Democrats blamed for Al Gore lost. He slips my mind now.

Corporations are not persons, no matter what the law say that they can be considered one for purposes of making campaign donations. They cannot, and should not, vote in any general election, so why should they be treated as if they are persons? Many of my Wall Street buddies would say: “No, we’re not persons, we’re gods and should be treated accordingly.” Presidents seem to all get brainwashed by Corporations, military and others who get the lion’s share government dollars and us People repeatedly get stepped on and foot every bill. Why are government and private entities receiving all the money which allows less than 10% of Americans grow there wealth?

We’re essentially slaves paying for all these Interests’ groups. It’s a cancer that few wishes to conduct surgery on.

Bottom line: Obama needs to extricate himself out of this Bush-Obama trap and start fresh and go back to his roots. He has been sucked in and corrupted. Unless he gets his act together, we will need a real revolution in the United States soon. Our politicians are stupidly out of control.

God help us, for we cannot help ourselves.

January 31, 2010 Posted by | 1 | , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 3 Comments

Senator Reid Is Not A Racist – Media Is Childish

The attacks by Republicans have grown to fever pitch against Senate Majority Leader Reid, ironically the news media have done zero in bringing about an honest assessment of Reid’s statement about how President Obama was elected as President because European Americans were ready to elect a lighter skinned African-American.

The bottom line is: It’s True!

We already scientifically know beyond a doubt that so-called “Whites” become more anxious, and even fearful, the darker a person is to whom they interact with (See 20th Century American Struggle, 21st Century Hope, Aakilarose Publishing). Additionally, the U.S. Department of Justice, NAACP and many universities for over 50 years have conducted research which shows that browner the skin the less likely will that person be hired or otherwise be accepted by lighter skinned persons, including within the African-American community itself. E.g.

With the Republicans screaming holy hell, they violate three significant principles:

First, they are being profound hypocrites. It’s the GOP who retains the majority of open and clandestine racists who vary in their degrees of dislike, discomfort or hatred towards brown-skinned persons and minorities. This has been meticulously detailed in the book 20th Century American Struggle….

Secondly, this campaign to unseat Reid is a massive move to delude Americans into believing that Reid’s statement is somehow racist when they know that the majority of European Americans did in fact vote for John McCain due to their discomfort of Obama having brown, not pink skin. This even though McCain and his party had just fleeced, and some would say, even raped Americans with vastly corrupt policies which rewarded roughly only 10% of the most wealthy Americans, as written about elsewhere. The only “White” Americans who came out in large numbers for Obama were those who are younger and women. And,

Thirdly, the most obvious of course is the fact that Republicans are struggling for ways to go on the offensive since they do not have any real ideas or solutions for the devastation that has been caused on our country over their tenure at the helm of the Federal Government Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches. This violates fundamental principles of integrity, for it is utterly dishonest of them to play a race card where there is none. They believe having Michael Steel, who is among the approximately 1% of  African-Americans who are hanging out calling themselves Republicans, speak out on this issue somehow will make it true.

Look: Harry Reid invited Senator Barrack to his office, not only to encourage him to run for president years before, but expressed his direct support for Obama. Senator Reid directly knows that most European Americans refused to vote for Obama out of fear that he was “black” and he has reviewed many reports which shows that African-Americans have been, and continue to be, subject to discriminatory treatment solely because they have brown skin.

Reid referring to Obama as “Negro” is precisely the era Reid was conditioned in. Up until the 1970s, African-Americans referred to themselves as Negro. And guess what? Today there is a movement among older African-Americans to have the U.S. Census Bureau include Negro on its list of how citizens would like to be recorded in census bureau records!

That’s right. So are the older Negro citizens racists’ because they wish to have others record them as Negros?

Let’s get real.

The Republicans also have called for a Hit to be issued on Reid. It’s true, a character assassination Hit.

The Republicans ruse, is just that, a joke. So folks, call, e-mail or otherwise communicate to all you know that what they are hearing in the Media is a bunch of childish non-sense that they should simply turn the channel on.

January 12, 2010 Posted by | 1 | , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Hearing President Obama’s Speech As An Independent

President Obama gave a truly high valued speech before Congress this evening. It is incredible to hear a human being speech with so much insight and love. I have never heard a President with so much real care for their people. Bill Clinton is a close second and Carter third.

Listening to Obama tonight and the Republican after talk, made me wonder for the first time why I do not shift from being an Independent and declare myself a Democrat? But as I think of it, I like my independence because at the end of the day politicians will ultimately rare their head in some form or fashion.

Having said that. It is utterly clear that Republicans are attacking Obama not simply because he is a democratic president, but he is not an “Elitist” but Populist. Obama is actually For the People and was made By the People!

Republicans sleep, eat, drink and have sex focusing on how they can take more away from the People and put it into their pockets. Where were they when Trillions were issued to wealthy Fat Cats who are rich enough to pay the health care premiums for every American for 20 years.

What the common person does not either know, or fail to keep in mind is, there is less than 10% of Americans who take over 80% of America’s economic pie. That there is no Revolution indicates that we live in an era of passive Americans. Americans who are most adversely affected are the least concerned with this fact and many of them are either manipulated or consciously support the Elite, believing that some how they shall benefit.

America is sick on many levels. One of the greatest needs is that Americans get the right to sue congressmen and senators on the state and federal level. If we can sue these law makers as we can doctors for malpractice, particularly for conspiring with lobbiest who buy them off to write or not write certain laws which will ensure their Corporate bosses ability to reduce workers into less significant jobs and companies with greater profits. In the end, politicians are the Hunchmen for the wealthy to herd us around like so much sheep. Or more accurately, Slaves.

President Obama’s attempts is to make us a little less subjected to such. It uses our OWN money to give us all higher value of life. It does not give more money to the wealthy. They are so so pissed off about health care reform because that would be so much less money that they can put into their pockets.

Common Americans need to get some real Insight Beyond Sight.

September 10, 2009 Posted by | 1 | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Rush Limbaugh, Dick Chenny Et Al Are Simply Racists

We really do have some sorry folks in the media. Do you think for one minute that if Obama was a White guy that the former VP would be publicly critiquing him? Not on your life!

Dick Cheny, Rush and the gang clearly have attitudes which are in line with the traditions of KKK, Southern Confederates, White Citizens Council and others who strongly opposed rights for anyone with brown skin. They portray themselves as ideologically in opposition, and they are in regards to how much they can fool Whites so they could continue to steal funds from government coffers, but in essence, they are trying to galvanize Whites into a frenzy in order to establish an atmosphere for assassination.

That’s right. Just as the Republicans were stirring up the party to call Obama “Nigger!” etc at their rallies, Chenny is simply working hard to stir up just the right minds who are sick enough to be influenced into this terrible act.

These are the same men who influence those who kill abortion doctors and otherwise commit violence against women and others. They cloak it as God, but are very much having these deranged minds act as agents on things that they are in fact too cowardly to say directly or do themselves.

Being quiet about this is a sin. All one has to do is go into the historical archieves to see that the same behavior happened in Lincoln’s day, Kennedy and lesser presidents times. It is certain that Cheny, Rush and the other hate mongers positively do know that they are trying to do this, and no one is calling them on this.

Common citizens need to do so then before its too late.

June 2, 2009 Posted by | 1 | , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

McCain Is Encouraging Hatred And Death For Obama

Last week McCain authorized his political strategists to unleash Sarah Palin with a Hold-Card strategy.

American history repeatedly reflects the GOP–Modern Republican Party–as always using fear to manipulate Americans to vote for them. The attacks inevitably targets Democrats as being “Too Liberal” or otherwise against Americans interests. Ever since the Nixon years, the GOP has been using Race as one, out of many components, to scare European Americans into not voting Democrats.

Now we again have the GOP using their Race from their play-book. During this past weekend Sarah Palin, in Florida on the Campaign stomp, attacked Barrack for previously working with a 1960’s advocate who was instrumental in bringing out the corruptions of the then Republican Administration’s refusal to end the Vietnam war. Instead of bringing some substance to the public table which would demonstrate that McCain has a real worth if he became president, his campaign has turned into a nasty brawl which he swore it would never become.

More specifically, when I went to his recent event in Wisconsin, as an African American I felt a very strong dislike coming from many of its attendees. If science had devised a Racist Meter which could measure the existence of racism or prejudice that is coming from a human being, along with the degree or intensity to which it exist, then walking into a McCain or Palin rally or meeting would Red-Line the Meter’s needle.

The type of hatred that is currently being spewed out and the tenor of the Republican machine overall, is inciting their racists to attack Barrack Obama in a way which may very well lead to some of them considering to not only physically attack him, but to attempt to kill him. In a word, they are encouraging a hatred to kill. Any psychologist worth their salt who understand the basic nature of humans will confirm this. There are numerous Whites yelling out “Nigger” and other derogatory names. Many are pretending that Race will not play a role in this election, but McCain is doing everything possible to ensure that Whites are manipulated into hating Obama, not merely disagreeing with him.

It is amazing how one can like someone until their true nature is manifested. McCain had always been a hero of mine. I felt especially bad when Bush dogged him out the last time around. But to see him not only encourage hatred, but to not discourage racism has given me a fresh perspective on him. McCain himself has been associated with criminals who ripped-off millions of tax payers money and sat on a Board of a racist organization. He is opening showing disdain against Barrack during the debates, guiding his followers to imitate him. McCain is behaving as if he would prefer for one or more of his followers to make a physical attack on Obama. It’s not the words of a person that truly determines where their heart is, but their actions. We need to be exposing this for what it is in order to discourage it. All the sick minded racists are flocking to McCain, and he knows this. He is saying nothing because he is hoping that the deep seeded racism of White Americans will bring him into the White House.

October 10, 2008 Posted by | 1 | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

God Is On Obama’s Side

The most extraordinary, miraculous thing is taking place in America. By all social indicators, more than 65% of Whites (more accurately European Americans) are not inclined to vote for Obama because of his brown skin. There are not enough African Americans and Minorities to elect him. McCain and the Republicans are invoking all degrees of deception, lies and manipulations to ensure that European Americans maintain their prejudices, yet Barrack Obama is looking more and more as if he may very well win. This is totally contrary to our earlier predictions.

No one of course could have counted on the current economic fiasco. With all the corruptions of the Bush administration to sell out the American people by replacing going after oil in Iraq instead of going after Osama Bin Laden; conspiring with American and foreign oil companies to rape Americans with obscene fuel prices; encourage corporations to disregard American economic, education and technological leadership in the world and transfer American wealth and status overseas; and on and on, the average European American was still backing the GOP. This against all odds of survival and against the most primeval instincts.

The first significant sign that God was not on the McCain’s side was in seeing how he was forced by Bush to sell his soul to the Bush policies if he not only wanted Bush’s backing, but to not be attacked and exposed with the Right Wing Racists of the GOP. Even with this he could not pull up in the polls too much, but was doing very well considering the defecation that the GOP was leaving. The Next significant milestone was in selecting Palin as running mate. It was a master chest move. The idea was sound, but the piece (Palin) is not one which can stand up to scrutiny. She helped pull McCain up somewhat, but her ineptitude and outright lies and empty headedness is now becoming a detriment. Of course now we have the greatest economic crisis since the Great Depression exposing to the most prejudiced that the GOP has torn apart the foundation of our economy in order to feed the Fat Cats.

I have never recognized God in American Politics before. But to me it is utterly clear that God is allowing things to happen which continuously pushes Obama to the front of the line. In several talk shows I’ve been on, I have explicitly shown how if we list all the qualities of McCain next to Obama, adding in the variables of the major current events, European Americans consistently elects McCain by a margin of 3 to 1. However, when we replace Obama’s brown skin with pink skin and use the name Paul Silverspoon, McCain loses by 2 to 1.

There are only about 15% of Americans who benefited from the Bush years. Logically, these are the only folks who should be voting for the GOP. Yet McCain continues to generate much more. Those European Americans who are voting for him based on color, whether consciously or unconsciously, are going to be in much need of help from the rest of us if Obama wins this election. This is something that many of us should recognize and prepare for.

October 2, 2008 Posted by | Blogroll, News | , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

The Bush 700 Billion Bail Out

Most American politicians are terribly stupid, superficial minds. At first glance it seems that they are simply conspiring with Wall Street Big Wigs to steal from the Treasury before Bush leaves office. You know. Remember how Bush authorized Dick Cheny to work with the oil companies in order to jack up prices before they left office so they could get rewarded once out of office? Well, its pretty clear that the Republicans in general, and Bush in particular are trying to cover up the biggest economic blunder in American history made by any president and their party. They truly believe that Americans are either dumb enough to not recognize that they are being riped off, or they believe that we simply will be powerless in taking strong action.

Every day Americans are losing their homes, jobs and excessive amounts of money from their savings. There is roughly 13% of Americans who are actually generating billions of dollars off of the sufferings of most. Common Americans do not commit time to evaluating the corruptions of the government precisely because the government, through industry, creates enough distractions to keep us all preoccupied. Whether through crisis, entertainment or miseducation, they repeatedly achieve in getting us to believe pink is white and that brown is black.

The greatest flaw in American Democracy is that those who vote into office obvious incompetent imbeciles like Bush are not the only ones who must suffer the ills. Why should the rest of us who know that he was a thief–illustrated by his stealing his first term–have to be subject to his criminal acts? This is what causes smart people to want to start a Revolution or to succeed from the Union. I have to say that it is a big disappointment to find no actual leaders in this populous nation who would give voice to what is actually going on. Deception is killing us.

I will not break this down as an economist would, but in laypersons terms its simple. The 700 Billion Dollar Bail Out is the greatest attempt by politicians to hold up the American Peoples Bank. No Bank Robber ever had this much nerve. For 700 Billion, we could actually start a totally new banking system to provide credit to legitimate businesses and homeowners who meet adequate requirements. Then let Wall Street work out its own problems on its own. Sure, many billionaires and millionaires who are Americans and NOT Americans would lose much money and possibly go broke; however, those who are actually the majority would still be able to survive and thrive.

Furthermore, companies who have in fact been stealing from Americans would fail and more honest institutions would take their places. This would mean that the “Free Market Forces” would be allowed to get rid of the bad stuff to make room for what is sounder and good. The absolute irony is that now all of this is being thrown out the window. I am ashamed to be American right now. There are many of us who see what’s going on, but what shames me is that just as many support what is going on and its greatest culprits as McCain. Obama is not standing up neither, so I certainly wish we had a viable Ralph Nadar like candidate. But the less of two evils is Obama.

The bottom line is that just as Bush, Cheny and the Oil companies jacked up the gas prices so high so when they reduce them back to something less then we will be greatful and accept the reduce yet higher gas prices, they are now calling for an outrageous 700 Billion, knowing full well that 700 billion is totally an amount not needed, but they hope that they will get at least half or more of this. The Republicans wish to get their last big lick in before the elections, not being sure that they shall have another 4 years to rape the People some more. They know that Americans are very passive and have no inclination to strike a revolution.

My family and I are very blessed not to be suffering as many throughout the country are. We are in Silicon Valley in a million dollar home that has not taken any hit in this market downturn. For me it boils down to common sense: Do we act out of fear or wisdom? Bush is a bona fide idiot. I do not say this disparagingly, but based on reality and a matter of record. We know that Bush and the Republicans are masters of deception. That they have lied about Iraq, Al Qida, Oil Companies, Communications Industry et cetera. Albert Einstein famously stated that a sign of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result. Why can’t this “crisis” wait for the next president? Bush shall be gone.

Let’s get a trillion dollars or 2 and start an entirely new financial institution which has none of the current corrupt players. Have University Economist Professors run it and let the current corrupt system to swim for itself as every home owner has to. This will provide the liquidity into the market for small and mid size businesses and individuals. Let the current home mortgage industry shake itself up and settle where it may. Anything else will only be feeding a corrupt incompetent Pig of a Machine which rewards its players.

God help us all.

September 24, 2008 Posted by | 1, Blogroll, News | , , , , , , , , , , , , | 4 Comments