Americans United Against Fraud

Continue Effort By Citizens To Combat Unchecked Fraud

S & P Downgrade Real or Fiction?

The United States has evolved into a society with a very false facade.

Standard & Poors (S&P) recent downgrading of US credit worthiness is the most recent case in point. What no one in the news or elsewhere has pointed out is that the men who own, operate and control S&P are multi-billionaires who have absolutely no interest in the common person’s well being, but only the wealth of them and fellow billionaires and millionaires.

This is very important for any evaluation of what is currently going on.

S&P’s owners know very well that its issuance of ratings for companies and countries has a direct effect on the investors and just as importantly on the actions and attitudes of the executives who run them. Example: During the 1980s after Reagan deregulated banking laws which President F.D. Roosevelt and others instituted to protect Americans from predatory lenders and fraudulent business practices of banks, various States decided to create their own laws to protect their citizens. Georgia, South Carolina were the leaders who restricted how much interest lenders could charge, among other prohibitions.

First Republican and Democratic congressmen accepted bribes from Wall Street and the banking industry, which mainstream media refused to report on, to enact federal laws which superseded any state laws which was designed to protect citizens from fraudulent practices. Then Presidents Reagan, Bush and Clinton administration accepted bribes from Wall Street and banking industry to not only work along with legislators to eliminate protective laws, but to hire Wall Street and Banking officers onto administrative staff who wrote new legislation that authorized Wall Street bankers to solicit funds from Americans and others for “investment” into real estate market.

You see, presidential candidate Ross Perot warned us that NAFTA and other trade agreements would take manufacturing jobs from Americans and give them to foreigners. That is not bad in itself if those jobs were providing products for those foreign markets and accepting American products and services equally; however, the agreements were designed to primarily be a one-way street where we would receive the products, but our products would be rejected. This meant that investment dollars which was traditionally were invested in US manufacturing had to find a home. Wall Street decided that Real Estate Market would be that home.

The test run in the 1980’s lead to the S&L crisis where the historic bail out resulted in the government putting tax payers on the hook for over half a trillion dollars to Wall Street and corrupt bankers. During the 2000s, JP Morgan, Bear Sterns, Goldman Sacks, after bribing presidents and congressmen to place their men into governmental positions of power, conspired and acted to have Brokers solicited trillions in investment dollars from Americans and their investment plan operators to invest in mortgage back securities which were intentionally designed to lead to the stripping of borrowers savings, income and property equity before producing certain default.

Each of these Wall Street firms, as well as others, bribed S&P operators to give AAA rating to these investments, or other rankings that were higher than their true worth. This was needed to falsely present to investors that putting their money into such investments were as safe as putting it into American Treasuries. This of course was false and very much a fiction.

What many are currently overlooking is the fact that it was S&P and Moody rating agencies which very much covered up and assisted the conspiracy which lead to our Rescission/Depression which started in force back in 2007, lead to term-oil in 2008 and which we still have not recovered from. Obama of course is now a hostage of all this.

Now back to the States who sought to protect their citizens from fraudulent lending practices. S&P owners and operators had their staff directly contact the legislators of Georgia and other states threatening them that if they did not change protection laws, that S&P would downgrade their credit rating which would result in those States getting loans at a higher payment or interest rates.

Mr Chambers of S&P is its public front-man who knowingly uses its ratings for political purposes when its owners sees fits. We should now be asking why did S&P downgrade US credit when it is actually the most vibrant and best on the planet? Also, what is S&P trying to manipulate our government officials to do? Keep in mind that S&P ONLY represents the top 10% income earners in the country who do not keep the bulk of their funds in the US but off shore.

August 6, 2011 Posted by | Uncategorized | , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

The Sophiscated American Slave

How many of us can actually wake up tomorrow and say: “The hell with it! I’m not going to work another day for that company. In fact, I’m simply going to take off a few years and wait until something comes along that I truly like”?

If you are one of the few who can truly say this, and do it, then you are several degrees better off then today’s American Slave.

When one has a relatively decent knowledge of history, not just American history, but human history, every current event taken by top public players take on a meaning that is far beyond today’s issues.

Walking my 2 miles back from 24 hours fitness, I was struck by just how right things were going in the United States before these massive trade deals like NAFTA and the 1999 WTO deal with China that would give China free access to the US market, but not give the US free access to the Chinese one.

In both 1992 and 1996, Ross Perot ran for president of the US warning Americans that their politicians were selling their and their children future away. He clearly predicted that the trade deals that were being worked out by state and federal leaders would cause a sucking of jobs right out of the US and harm American life styles.

Of course he stated a lot more than this, but this is the jest of it.

Before Perot we have always had Ralph Nadar who has been one of the most sincere advocates for Americans in the late 20th Century. He truly tried his best to pick up where the Civil Rights movement had dropped the ball. When so many became complacent with the successes of the Civil Rights era, he became embolden and forced politicians to allow consumer protections that have been attacked by corporations ever since.

What truly gets me is how the grown up adults in the 1980s through 2010, have not only voted in to the Presidency and congress men who either owed their allegiance to big business, or became influenced by such, but more importantly, quietly sat back and let these political parasites strip away freedoms of life and the pursuit of happiness.

America is pretty much close to a very large Slave Plantation. That’s right. What the southerners of old practiced as a way of life, has now become the most sophisticated social machine in history. We are all sucked into this notion that freedom is simply the ability to roam around without physical chains, to have properties we call “The American Dream,” and amass as much debt as we like to. But is this truly being free?

When I first visited Dubai, part of the United Arab Emirates, about 4 years ago, I was impressed with amazement at how such a modern wealthy world was being erected in the desert of Arabia. But after staying just across the Indian Ocean for a couple of months in Pakistan where the poverty is in some cases is less than what I’ve seen in India itself, I was now disgusted that so much wealth could exist so close to so much poverty.

Then I spent more time in Dubai where I learned the arrogant, Master like attitudes of many of its native men and women, and also the defeated Slave like attitudes of those who were imported to do all the menial work.

Upon further investigation I learned how the government of Dubai had very tight controls on who could set up shop in the country for doing business and more importantly, who can hold political office. Unless you are part of an elite ruling class who is prepared to tow the line of just a few dominant families, political office is out of reach. The main purpose of this is to ensure that the very few are always being served by the many.

Similarly the same model is being applied in the US, only in a much more sophisticated form. The irony is that in Dubai it is done through a kind of monarchy cloaked in an attempted Democratic facade. The US is a bona fide democracy where its people have the direct power to choose whom they want, in theory, but in practice most main stream media manipulates Americans into behaving as the American elite wish them to.

There is no question that vast majority of politicians either end up by becoming corrupt once in office, or do not exert the well to truly advocate for the actual people who vote them into office. Once in office, they see that the corporate, military, prison, health and other interests’ wields so much power over common people – holding a kind of sword to doom them to hell or raise them to heaven – that they become the stooges of these interests’.

How is it that the adults today, particularly those above 40 years old, have the ignorance of allowing governments to saddle future generations with their debt? It is absolutely a sign of insanity. If today’s youngster’s and those unborn, could actually see their future, they would throw a real, out right revolution.

The only real viable solution is for people to have at least one strong moment and push representatives to enact laws which allow any common citizen to sue their own representatives in Federal and State courts and to enact a law that lets those who voted for their choice of political leader, suffer the consequences of their choice. Why should everyone suffer the mistakes of the ones who voted in incompetent or insensitive politicians?

Case in point: Social Security is doing so poorly precisely because certain previous presidents as Bush II and Reagan cared only for the most wealthy. They both opened the doors to the US Treasury as if it were the elites personal bank. Well, in fact it is their bank. The build banks and Wall Street firms directly on the backs of common Americans, holding up a dream of wealth that is granted to only relatively few, while the majority become the slaves supporting them. Should those who do not vote in such political characters suffer their wrongdoings?

It’s a travesty of justice.

Everyone who voted for Bush II and Reagan should not be getting SSI today. They really should be pulling themselves up by their own Bootstraps and not relying on such a Governmental Welfare Plan. Americans should be calling for the government to shut down Bank of America and all the Wall Street firms that stole billions from them and liquidate assets for distribution to local honest banks and The People. And most of all, our right to sue the representatives who are setting us and our children up to be modern slaves.

February 23, 2010 Posted by | 1 | , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Obama’s Trap – God Help Us

President Obama really has been taken hostage by aliens.

If we divide the two trillion dollars, which Bush and Obama has allowed to be stolen by Wall Street and other cheats, by all the households in this country – approximately million, according to the U.S. Commerce Dept. and Census Bureau – the U.S. Government could have written a check for more than $200,000 to us all. And if you subtract those who really do not need any help we would reach about $300,000 each.

This of course would have been much too simple for politicians of any stripe.

Throughout nature, human individual life, as well as collective community life; before something truly new can grow or come, the old must be burned down or destroyed. The U.S. Banking system, coupled with Wall Street, is history’s most corrupt and inefficient system ever devised and operated. Globally, bankers have facilitated the rape and pillage of other countries, forcing them to produce certain crops or industries which ensured their fall or ineffectiveness. Bankers have always placed money in limited areas, such as oil today, wheat tomorrow, to dictate to the financial markets how to behave. Up until recent times, our government use to borrow money from its citizens to get itself out of debt or to finance social or military things. Today, the U.S. Treasury has sold off the United States future to foreigners from China, Germany, Arabs and elsewhere who constantly threaten our Presidents and other officials to make certain policies on the pain of them pulling the plug on the debt we owe.

If anyone believes that there is a God, then they should recognize that it was utterly unnatural and immoral for the adults of today to approve our leaders to bail out a bunch of shading lying cheats dressing themselves up as bankers and investment types. Yes, yes I know; Capitalism is the god of America and more and more the world, but this does not mean that such corruptions should be attributed to those of us who do not associate ourselves with it.

I could have lived with Bush spending a trillion dollars in trying to clean up the mess that he and the greedy elites made. But Obama I found it hard to stomach. He came with a message of change, and not the same, yet he supported the same and not change. And once a politician commits one bad act, they never admit that they acted badly and will compound the bad act with a series of extra ones.

What if Bush and Obama took the now 2, and about to be 4 trillion dollars and simply supplied it to all the local Credit Unions and small local banks who behaved well and responsibly? What if so much was supplied them with a charter to bail out all the homeowners and small businesses in their communities under FHA type lending plans? What if….

If this had happened, our world would look a hell of a lot different now.

For one, we would have seen most, if not all the crooks in banking and Wall Street jumping out of their high rises and yachts. AIG, and all the other corrupt organs of our society would have been removed. A new generation of executives would have been born who would have had the lessons of destruction clearly implanted in their minds and would have marched on to produce cleaner, healthier types of banking and investment firms.

Secondly, us smaller people on a local level would be doing well. Our local, state and federal governments coffers would have secured lots of revenue from the money it returned to us via bank loans and it would have been free to pursue the health care reforms it so desired.

One critical piece of history was overlooked by Obama. He recognized that big change such as health care reform comes easiest during crisis. What he failed to do was to allow the sins of the banking and investment industry to fail on their own merits. He is propping up what will eventually have to fall anyway. It’s only a matter of time. If he had allowed them to fall, then he would have been able to reform health care in a real way. Now the will have to settle for some crumbs, if that.

The Democrats are as ignorant and power hungry as Republicans. We really do need a truly Independent party. One that can focus only on the people. Why were adults so stupidly blind to the insights of Ross Perot or, what’s his name? That consumer rights advocate that ran a couple of times for president and who the Democrats blamed for Al Gore lost. He slips my mind now.

Corporations are not persons, no matter what the law say that they can be considered one for purposes of making campaign donations. They cannot, and should not, vote in any general election, so why should they be treated as if they are persons? Many of my Wall Street buddies would say: “No, we’re not persons, we’re gods and should be treated accordingly.” Presidents seem to all get brainwashed by Corporations, military and others who get the lion’s share government dollars and us People repeatedly get stepped on and foot every bill. Why are government and private entities receiving all the money which allows less than 10% of Americans grow there wealth?

We’re essentially slaves paying for all these Interests’ groups. It’s a cancer that few wishes to conduct surgery on.

Bottom line: Obama needs to extricate himself out of this Bush-Obama trap and start fresh and go back to his roots. He has been sucked in and corrupted. Unless he gets his act together, we will need a real revolution in the United States soon. Our politicians are stupidly out of control.

God help us, for we cannot help ourselves.

January 31, 2010 Posted by | 1 | , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 3 Comments

President’s Copenhagan Trip Was Good


So Chicago did not get the chance to host the Olympic games, but it was sure a strong attempt.

There are a whole lot of haters out there calling the President’s trip to Copenhagen as a mistake. They seem to believe that it degrades the Presidency by setting the president up as looking like a defeated salesperson. That since no other president lobbied the Olympic committee that he should not have done so.

The Greeks have an appropriate word for that, its called “Baloney.” President Obama is not only a unique president for simply being another human being, but his whole background is radically unique.

A lot of childish minds are coming out of the wood work. It is understandable for losers of a political campaign to have regrets, feel bad and want to get back. But a large percentage of Republicans are showing bona fide hatred towards a human being who is expressing compassion, care and desire to help people. Contrast that to Bush who express lack of compassion and hatred towards others.

Are we attracted to personalities who are common to us?

Others are simply saying that the President tried his best but ran into the Olympic politics. The haters are saying Obama Rejected or No We Can’t and the like.

For God’s sake, grow up!

October 3, 2009 Posted by | 1 | , , , , | Leave a comment

President Obama’s Life Is On The Line–Americans Rise Up In Arms

No matter how much I intellectually know that most people are sheep and selfish, I am profoundly surprised that no Americans have clearly acknowledged that Barrack Obama’s life is in danger from more than just the Ku Klux Klan, and their type.

No matter how much we love our America, it is basically the most violent country around. Domestically we practice a kind of collective self hatred where we are mistrustful, dishonest and even dislike each other although we do not personally know each other. Everyday hundreds of Americans are being injured or killed in acts of violence and 99% of it goes unnoticed or unreported. We program our children with more violence than we teach non-violence. We’re motivated to be nice usually when there is something in it for us. And we do not symphathize with others who have suffered physical, financial or other types of suffering until we face it. Obviously there are exceptions.

This is a general overview of our social pool from whence Barrack Obama must lead.

Right now, in Washington, D.C. there are a multitude of agents who work for the Military Armament industry, Drugs (i.e. Pharmaceuticals); Prison Industrial Complex (former Presents Bushes are prime owners); Medical; Banking and other lesser industries. Each and every day they put a full court press on the President and his staff to act on things which would benefit them and, 9 times out of 10, not benefit common Americans. Americans have a few groups who do their best. Believe it or not Ralph Nadar and his elk are significant in the consumer rights area; the Center for Public Integrity another; those who fight against gun control, Citizens United for the Reform of Errants; NAACP and others. The problem is that those who are advocating on behalf of Americans do not command the billions of dollars which gives access to the back halls of Congress and the Presidency.

The fact of the matter is that President Obama would be assassinated if he truly did what was truly right for Americans, and he knows this. Americans do not understand this however. If we did, we would all form a march on Washington, totting shotguns, and demand that the entrenched politicians refrain from catering to the wealthy and highly connected or we’re taking our government back by backing Barrack Obama.

No matter what ideology you have hitherto espoused, we as Americans will not have another chance as we do now, for at least another 100 years. President Obama has committed himself to change, and if Americans rose up in overwhelming mass to support him in a way which showed the mighty power brokers that we too are willing to put our lives on the line for change, then he would then be able to weld the influence that We The People need him to. Short of this, we may as well not complain about what he is or is not doing. He himself cannot call for such support while in the den of lions, but we can if we only truly Hope.

July 13, 2009 Posted by | 1 | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Message From God

We need to make a call to John McCain and his Republican Party to recognize the message America has received from none other than God.

The Republican National Convention was suppose to take off with full, agressive steam today; however, God sent a harricane to the very place they neglected and avoided when Katrina came through. The Republicans have exhibited the most negative campaign tactics since the party switched from Democrats to Republicans back in the 60’s.  Before than the old Republican party was the party of President Lincoln, but over the years racists infiltrated it and ultimately took it over. Hence, Barry Goldwater and Nixon years. Those Americans who had a heart like Lincoln were drawn to the Democratic party during the years as well.

Today’s Republicans are the same mentality of 1800’s Democrats who rejected freeing the slaves and who assassinated Lincoln. Today’s Democrats are people with the Lincoln spirit. What does this have to do with a message from God?

Well think for a moment…. Katrina was the most blatant active act of racism in modern U.S. history. Bush and his administration refused to help Katrina African American victims and has dragged their feet over the years, and here we are on the threshold of McCain being nominated and harrican Gustav comes in on the very day that their convention starts. Just as there are no real coincidences in our respective individual lives, well, there are no coincidences in the universe.

Obama is certainly human and a sinner as us all, and although he has been fighting back with negatives, he continues to call for positive, not negative campaigning. Most Americans are not intelligent or wise enough to not be influenced by negative attacks and is why politicians employ it to dupe us into selecting them. We have been witness to the presidency being stolen by Bush. When bank robbers are imprisioned for stealing much less, we have been derelict in not demanding charges be brought against him and his cronies. And furthermore, like the gangster that he is, the Bushes have raped us Americans royally. We have lost so so much, while the few elites have gained seemingly so much.

In today’s modern information age, how can the mass continue to be sheep going to the slaughter?

September 2, 2008 Posted by | 1 | , , , , | Leave a comment

Americans Are Being Led To The Slaughter As Jews Were To The Chambers

It is utterly extraordinary how complacent and non-active we are. The Bushes and there gangster crew have been literally raping every American whose income falls under 300k annually–which happens to be the vast majority of Americans–and we are accepting this abuse without massive protest or action.

From the outset, George Bush, Sr administration was following the domestic policies of Ronald Reagan’s of flooding American streets with cocaine which came to be known as “Crack.” I have personally met former CIA agents and associates who ran with Oliver North and the Saudis to sale cocaine to Americans in order to not only raise money for the Sandinistas “Contras,” but to enrich a few key players. Additionally, this lead to a kind of ethnic cleansing, or new age Apartied, that incarcerated more humans within a decade than had occurred throughout human history. Over 80% of them just happen to be African Americans, Latinos and other minorities.

We have clear evidence that the Bush family directly, and most of their associates in directly, has ties to Oil and the Prison industries. They have all become billionaires from tax dollars. They have given some of us so-called tax cuts on one hand, however, with the other hand–namely via gas pumps–they take not only the tax cut, but they dig and steal even more. Its our tax dollars that gave these oil moguls their positions and now they are trying to get blood from us all.

Why are Democrats claiming to be for the people when in point of fact they are condoning this horrendous corruption?

Americans are being economically slaughtered. Clinton of course toed the line by pushing NAFTA through during his term. Only few of us saw the wisdom of Ross Perot. The last 20 years has clearly shown that the vast majority of Americans are sheep. It’s not their fault per se, but simply a fact. The Jews were killed by the millions by a mind-set very similar to the ones running our country today. The news organizations like CNN, MSNBC et al act as agents for covering it all up and as advertisers for junk food and junk products.

But maybe its only me. I sure would like for someone to straighten me out if my little perceptions are inaccurate.

April 11, 2008 Posted by | 1 | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment