Americans United Against Fraud

Continue Effort By Citizens To Combat Unchecked Fraud

Companies Like Netflix Seeking To Take Away Citizens Rights

Here is a quote from Netflix’s newest user contract:

“Terms of Use

Welcome to Netflix. We are an online subscription service, providing our members with access to motion pictures, television and other audio visual entertainment (“movies & TV shows”) streaming over the Internet to certain Internet-connected TV’s, computers and other devices (“Netflix ready devices”). We’ve put together here some detailed terms and conditions. You should read and understand them as they govern your use of our service.
These Terms of Use provide that all disputes between you and Netflix will be resolved by BINDING ARBITRATION. YOU AGREE TO GIVE UP YOUR RIGHT TO GO TO COURT to assert or defend your rights under this contract (except for matters that may be taken to small claims court). Your rights will be determined by a NEUTRAL ARBITRATOR and NOT a judge or jury and your claims cannot be brought as a class action. Please review the Arbitration Agreement below for the details regarding your agreement to arbitrate any disputes with Netflix…..”

Americans are inherently endowed with rights as citizens simply and precisely for being Americans. An inherent characteristic of those in power is to restrict, abolish or otherwise take away citizens rights if it means anything more than submitting to the dictates of what the controlling Elite wishes.

Our Federal and States Constitutions gives all of us a basic right to obtain justice either through our representatives or directly ourselves by way of litigation in the state and federal court systems. What is now very very clear is that the more power that these financial institutions and banks obtain, the more they bribe, cajole and influence legislators, courts and bureaucratic governments to reduce the inherent rights that our Constitutions affords us.

All mass populace around the world are extremely ignorant. Americans are no different. The Wall Street Movement is the most recent indicator of this.

In 1980, the majority of American men with some females elected in Ronald Reagan who brought into office a mass of Wall Street power brokers in order to permit them access to guiding him and executive branch on how to eliminate and or rewrite rules, and later laws, that would tear down the laws and subsequent rules that president Franklin D. Roosevelt and his Congressional leaders of the time enacted to grow and protect the American middle class. In fact, the “American Dream” and its rich concepts derived directly from that era.

Before the advent of television. Most people read and talked about things which were intelligent and educational about the country. Once television came and other media, the greatest selling tool was born. American Capitalism was not perfect back then, but it was one of the best things around. However, once the drive to sell, sell, sell infiltrated its ranks and the power of TV was harnessed to manipulate and program our minds, then the Barons of Human Control became King.

Wall Street had always been a place of gamblers. Before the Great Depression Wall Street was lifted to the status of being the chief God of America. It was chartered to be an entity where businesses could raise capital, but in the early 1900s it became a place of Thieves and Robbers who ran the United States into a ditch which caused millions to become homeless, jobless etc.

Sound familiar?

Those who do not know history, and act as if they know it, are destine to repeat it and end up in a more severe ditch then before.

Wall Street wrote the Netflix new contract provisions. Or more accurately, they helped design it. Most of you who have little or no idea about the law and how it works will not know the significance of what such contracts will do.

Why do you suppose a simple company providing access to our favorite movies or shows would have you agree to a contract which causes you to give up your inherent right as an American to sue them before judge and jury?

If I am not doing anything to harm you would I seek such a precious right? Do you even know how precious it is?

Wall Street since the first Bush was president began to have its lawyers create contracts for, first business owners, then home owners, which said that they had to give up their rights to sue. Up until now many courts have not upheld such, but those judges who are bribed with the promise of high paying jobs after they get off the bench have allowed citizens rights to be taken away.

The reason the current Wall Street Movement demonstrates just how ignorant most Americans are is due to the clear fact that most Americans are not out there protesting with those brave people. That’s right, your failure to support them in some way – it does not necessarily have to be going out there – like sending them food, writing every senator, congressmen, mayor, governor and Obama himself, demanding that they take the side of the People, clearly shows what your true level of intelligence is.

October 29, 2011 Posted by | Uncategorized | , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Treason In America – Bankers, Elected and Judicial Officials Enslaving Americans

What is horrifyingly sickening to one’s stomach is when you see disaster coming, not just for others, but yourself as well. In 1802 former President Thomas Jefferson wrote the then Secretary of the Treasury, Albert Gallatin the following:

“If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their money, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them (around the banks), will deprive the people of their property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.”

The  real problem here of course is that the “American People” never get to directly have a say in these matters – or at least do not step up and take control – and the politicians whom they elect do not find themselves beholden to us.

I am currently involved in both Federal and State of California law suits in which I am suing Countrywide, BofA, Wells Fargo and each of their CEO’s and various subordinates with fraud, deceit, conspiracy et cetera. I have so far read over 20,000 pages of information relating to these guys and over 50 areas of federal and state codes and have come to a very clear conclusion.

Bankers, and the entire host of other related financial guys out of Wall Street, lenders and others, spend millions upon millions hiring others to think of ways they can suck the money out of the majority of Americans, and whenever they have new ideas, they hire law firms to translate them into legal codes which in turn gets passed on to others who direct lobbiest to bribe, dupe, cajole and otherwise encourage our state and federal representatives to process it so it can make its way into becoming law. At the same time, they have others who lobby our judges into “interpreting” the laws that are designed to favor American consumers somewhat, in a way where consumers are never afforded much in the way of justice.

Now the vast majority of these ideas do not get accepted or processed. But what they miss out on in quantity is made up for in the quality of deceptiveness. Case in point.

The California legislative body in Sacramento has called itself enacting anti-predatory lending laws to protect consumers. Under Calif. Civil Code sections 4970 to 4978.8, they will only protect you if you loan cost more than 6% of over all loan or was more than 8 points more than what the Treasury security percent was at that time loan closed. Secondly, they will only cover loans that do not exceed $250,000 when the average price of homes in the state exceeded $500,000. Now for those cases that do meet this requirement, 95% of them get interpreted right out of the court.

This is just a brief highlight, but it’s happening around the country. Something happens to people when they become part of the government or judicial structures. Not just philosophically, but literally they lose their natural minds. They see themselves as no longer part of the People, but gods over and above us all. This is not an exaggerated remark. The evidence is right before you.

Notice how they are beating up on Barrack Obama? Mark my words, if he was in fact fully in-line with the wishes of these folks I’m referring to, they would not be beating up on him. Ultimately their violence will compel him to become more like them and it will be another lost to these aliens we choose to pay from our pockets to enslave us.

For the longest time, I resisted the comments of those who have been voices in the wilderness claiming that Bankers were parasites and scum of the earth. I still would not use their language, but I am now understanding their points.

Bankers do not ever produce any material things that benefits any society. They basically supply money so others can do extraordinary things. And if applied honestly and moderately they are very healthy for our world. The issue is that we have the most greedy, insensitive and destructive bankers in all of history.

Wall Street came up with the securities which bundled millions of home owner mortgages and sold them off to the world. They also came up with the gambling game of betting against the success of the home owners ability to pay them off. They bankers conspired with them to supply an endless line of credit so they could set Americans up with specially bank/lender designed loans which would ensure most borrowers would never be able to pay them off.

That’s right. Bankers actually designed these loan instruments so you and I would always be locked in to paying interests and never be able to pay off the loan.

Over 50% of our states and federal congresses and senates knew of this, particularly those who are in finance committees.  So how could such laws get passed?

The 1980’s gave us the Savings and Loan industry downfall. It was through predatory lending, just as now. Only then the bail out was a mere 500 billion. The banking leaders bribed congress, senate and president to eliminate state laws which prohibited open ended usuary. They did not prevent it, but mandated that loans could not go over a certain amount. The passing of Depository Institutions Deregulation and Monetary Control Act of 1980, was Reagan’s wet dream. It was designed to let bankers loose on Americans like so many gangs of dogs.

It prevented any state from preventing lenders from stripping all or most of a homeowners equity out of them. Ironically, before the 80’s Americans looked to the Federal government to prevent the states from abusing citizens. Ronald Ronald and his team earned millions to undermine and eliminate laws that prevented full scale predatory lending.

Make no mistake, we are living in a very modern sophisticated form of slavery. This time there is no respecting of skin color, but only whether you can work enough to secure you into a mortgage that entraps you. Real Estate agents and appraisers are willingly being use to falsely inflate property values to facilitate this set up. It just goes on and on.

We all need to pray, and get up off of our butts and truly take control of our lives. We really do need fresh political parties. We need the right to sue our representatives and judges in order to override the influences they get elsewhere. What this all boils down to is out right treason, for what they are collectively doing is tearing apart and destroying our national security through economic ruin and enslavement.

April 21, 2010 Posted by | 1 | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Airport Screening – Yeman

Everyone throughout the world knows that not all Muslims or Arabs, or even most, are terrorist, but … all terrorists’ who threaten America are in fact Muslim men. This begs the obvious question:

Why in the world is Home Land Security wasting critical resources on searching Americans who neither look like nor come close to being a terrorist? Yeah, yeah, we have the bill of rights and equal protection laws. The fact is that none of these apply to non-americans. Furthermore, we need to be more concerned with those who are coming into the U.S. from foreign airports and not Americans flying from L.A. to New York.

If my private residence is being attacked repeatedly by a gang of boys on my neighborhood, what sense would it make for me to go out looking for others who are non-gang members? Not only would this be ineffective, but very silly.

Likewise, why should those who are not in any way part of the gang, suffer the adverse consequences that only the gang members deserve?

The only possible way to make American flights truly safe is to first of all target non-American Arabs and Muslims from other countries with full scrutiny. Getting the CIA and other intelligence organizations to work directly with all other agencies is a no-brainer, but more importantly, we need to take effective more accurate measures. The more people we have in our scope to scrutiny, the less likely we will be effective. The smaller the number under our microscope the better chance we will have in catching terrorists’.

Once you have all Muslims under a general scope, you can then have more substantive and specific criteria such as data on where they went to school and obtained religious training or exposure from. This will reduce our pool down to less than 20% of all Muslims who travel.  Those who pose a real risk should be place on No-Fly list. The remaining part of this group should be all subject full scanner body searches that penetrates through cloths and can detect any potential threat.

This does not mean that we should not change our aggressive policies which produces hatred against us in the first place, but since we’re put in this position by very shortsighted officials, we have to deal with it. I feel a whole lot better flying from Pakistan and elsewhere when myself and others are severely searched and searched again. In leaving Lahore, Pakistan, the military stops every vehicle and person coming into airport, every person catching a flight must go through at least 4 more military/police barriers and many are stripped searched–unless you are native American–before you are allowed to waiting area.

They profile people leaving their country because they cannot afford any negative publicity of course, but more so because they are constantly under attacked internally by terrorists’.

When entering or exiting Israel, everything is searched. There is no possibility to carry explosives or weapons. They do not waste time, energy and resources on everyone, but mostly on those who meet a certain profile. Everyone will get scrutinized, but the real meaningful scrutiny is left for those who belong to the group who are actually a threat.

How many more attempts or successes from terrorists’ must we face before we implement the obvious? For ultimately we will have to profile folks in such a way. And this has nothing to do with the racists’ police profiling of African-Americans and minorities in the past. There were no legitimate law enforcement concerns then, now we have national security interest domestically which must be protected.

Moreover, spending excessive amounts of money on security and wars does not contribute to America’s GNP. If we were not getting so-called world bank loans, we would in fact be a bankrupt country who would have to close its business’ doors. China on the other hand is laughing all the way to the bank. They love it that we are expending all our dollars on non-productive things because this allows all of their dollars to buy up things throughout the world. Our leaders are acting as if they are totally blind to all of this. It is amazing to think that they are actually intelligent creatures, for they are not behaving as if they are.

We need to let our representatives and president know that we need them to enact real safety measures and not this superficial window dressing that spends a whole lot of money for little return. We would owe no appologies to anyone. Until all Muslims take proactive steps to shut down the schools, Mosques’ and other traning facilities which are programming hatred, coupled with Americans demanding that our leaders stop projecting negative foreign policies internationally, the root causes of this problem will not be addressed.

This is a patch until that day.

December 30, 2009 Posted by | 1 | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Hearing President Obama’s Speech As An Independent

President Obama gave a truly high valued speech before Congress this evening. It is incredible to hear a human being speech with so much insight and love. I have never heard a President with so much real care for their people. Bill Clinton is a close second and Carter third.

Listening to Obama tonight and the Republican after talk, made me wonder for the first time why I do not shift from being an Independent and declare myself a Democrat? But as I think of it, I like my independence because at the end of the day politicians will ultimately rare their head in some form or fashion.

Having said that. It is utterly clear that Republicans are attacking Obama not simply because he is a democratic president, but he is not an “Elitist” but Populist. Obama is actually For the People and was made By the People!

Republicans sleep, eat, drink and have sex focusing on how they can take more away from the People and put it into their pockets. Where were they when Trillions were issued to wealthy Fat Cats who are rich enough to pay the health care premiums for every American for 20 years.

What the common person does not either know, or fail to keep in mind is, there is less than 10% of Americans who take over 80% of America’s economic pie. That there is no Revolution indicates that we live in an era of passive Americans. Americans who are most adversely affected are the least concerned with this fact and many of them are either manipulated or consciously support the Elite, believing that some how they shall benefit.

America is sick on many levels. One of the greatest needs is that Americans get the right to sue congressmen and senators on the state and federal level. If we can sue these law makers as we can doctors for malpractice, particularly for conspiring with lobbiest who buy them off to write or not write certain laws which will ensure their Corporate bosses ability to reduce workers into less significant jobs and companies with greater profits. In the end, politicians are the Hunchmen for the wealthy to herd us around like so much sheep. Or more accurately, Slaves.

President Obama’s attempts is to make us a little less subjected to such. It uses our OWN money to give us all higher value of life. It does not give more money to the wealthy. They are so so pissed off about health care reform because that would be so much less money that they can put into their pockets.

Common Americans need to get some real Insight Beyond Sight.

September 10, 2009 Posted by | 1 | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

President Obama’s Life Is On The Line–Americans Rise Up In Arms

No matter how much I intellectually know that most people are sheep and selfish, I am profoundly surprised that no Americans have clearly acknowledged that Barrack Obama’s life is in danger from more than just the Ku Klux Klan, and their type.

No matter how much we love our America, it is basically the most violent country around. Domestically we practice a kind of collective self hatred where we are mistrustful, dishonest and even dislike each other although we do not personally know each other. Everyday hundreds of Americans are being injured or killed in acts of violence and 99% of it goes unnoticed or unreported. We program our children with more violence than we teach non-violence. We’re motivated to be nice usually when there is something in it for us. And we do not symphathize with others who have suffered physical, financial or other types of suffering until we face it. Obviously there are exceptions.

This is a general overview of our social pool from whence Barrack Obama must lead.

Right now, in Washington, D.C. there are a multitude of agents who work for the Military Armament industry, Drugs (i.e. Pharmaceuticals); Prison Industrial Complex (former Presents Bushes are prime owners); Medical; Banking and other lesser industries. Each and every day they put a full court press on the President and his staff to act on things which would benefit them and, 9 times out of 10, not benefit common Americans. Americans have a few groups who do their best. Believe it or not Ralph Nadar and his elk are significant in the consumer rights area; the Center for Public Integrity another; those who fight against gun control, Citizens United for the Reform of Errants; NAACP and others. The problem is that those who are advocating on behalf of Americans do not command the billions of dollars which gives access to the back halls of Congress and the Presidency.

The fact of the matter is that President Obama would be assassinated if he truly did what was truly right for Americans, and he knows this. Americans do not understand this however. If we did, we would all form a march on Washington, totting shotguns, and demand that the entrenched politicians refrain from catering to the wealthy and highly connected or we’re taking our government back by backing Barrack Obama.

No matter what ideology you have hitherto espoused, we as Americans will not have another chance as we do now, for at least another 100 years. President Obama has committed himself to change, and if Americans rose up in overwhelming mass to support him in a way which showed the mighty power brokers that we too are willing to put our lives on the line for change, then he would then be able to weld the influence that We The People need him to. Short of this, we may as well not complain about what he is or is not doing. He himself cannot call for such support while in the den of lions, but we can if we only truly Hope.

July 13, 2009 Posted by | 1 | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

The Bush 700 Billion Bail Out

Most American politicians are terribly stupid, superficial minds. At first glance it seems that they are simply conspiring with Wall Street Big Wigs to steal from the Treasury before Bush leaves office. You know. Remember how Bush authorized Dick Cheny to work with the oil companies in order to jack up prices before they left office so they could get rewarded once out of office? Well, its pretty clear that the Republicans in general, and Bush in particular are trying to cover up the biggest economic blunder in American history made by any president and their party. They truly believe that Americans are either dumb enough to not recognize that they are being riped off, or they believe that we simply will be powerless in taking strong action.

Every day Americans are losing their homes, jobs and excessive amounts of money from their savings. There is roughly 13% of Americans who are actually generating billions of dollars off of the sufferings of most. Common Americans do not commit time to evaluating the corruptions of the government precisely because the government, through industry, creates enough distractions to keep us all preoccupied. Whether through crisis, entertainment or miseducation, they repeatedly achieve in getting us to believe pink is white and that brown is black.

The greatest flaw in American Democracy is that those who vote into office obvious incompetent imbeciles like Bush are not the only ones who must suffer the ills. Why should the rest of us who know that he was a thief–illustrated by his stealing his first term–have to be subject to his criminal acts? This is what causes smart people to want to start a Revolution or to succeed from the Union. I have to say that it is a big disappointment to find no actual leaders in this populous nation who would give voice to what is actually going on. Deception is killing us.

I will not break this down as an economist would, but in laypersons terms its simple. The 700 Billion Dollar Bail Out is the greatest attempt by politicians to hold up the American Peoples Bank. No Bank Robber ever had this much nerve. For 700 Billion, we could actually start a totally new banking system to provide credit to legitimate businesses and homeowners who meet adequate requirements. Then let Wall Street work out its own problems on its own. Sure, many billionaires and millionaires who are Americans and NOT Americans would lose much money and possibly go broke; however, those who are actually the majority would still be able to survive and thrive.

Furthermore, companies who have in fact been stealing from Americans would fail and more honest institutions would take their places. This would mean that the “Free Market Forces” would be allowed to get rid of the bad stuff to make room for what is sounder and good. The absolute irony is that now all of this is being thrown out the window. I am ashamed to be American right now. There are many of us who see what’s going on, but what shames me is that just as many support what is going on and its greatest culprits as McCain. Obama is not standing up neither, so I certainly wish we had a viable Ralph Nadar like candidate. But the less of two evils is Obama.

The bottom line is that just as Bush, Cheny and the Oil companies jacked up the gas prices so high so when they reduce them back to something less then we will be greatful and accept the reduce yet higher gas prices, they are now calling for an outrageous 700 Billion, knowing full well that 700 billion is totally an amount not needed, but they hope that they will get at least half or more of this. The Republicans wish to get their last big lick in before the elections, not being sure that they shall have another 4 years to rape the People some more. They know that Americans are very passive and have no inclination to strike a revolution.

My family and I are very blessed not to be suffering as many throughout the country are. We are in Silicon Valley in a million dollar home that has not taken any hit in this market downturn. For me it boils down to common sense: Do we act out of fear or wisdom? Bush is a bona fide idiot. I do not say this disparagingly, but based on reality and a matter of record. We know that Bush and the Republicans are masters of deception. That they have lied about Iraq, Al Qida, Oil Companies, Communications Industry et cetera. Albert Einstein famously stated that a sign of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result. Why can’t this “crisis” wait for the next president? Bush shall be gone.

Let’s get a trillion dollars or 2 and start an entirely new financial institution which has none of the current corrupt players. Have University Economist Professors run it and let the current corrupt system to swim for itself as every home owner has to. This will provide the liquidity into the market for small and mid size businesses and individuals. Let the current home mortgage industry shake itself up and settle where it may. Anything else will only be feeding a corrupt incompetent Pig of a Machine which rewards its players.

God help us all.

September 24, 2008 Posted by | 1, Blogroll, News | , , , , , , , , , , , , | 4 Comments