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Senator Reid Is Not A Racist – Media Is Childish

The attacks by Republicans have grown to fever pitch against Senate Majority Leader Reid, ironically the news media have done zero in bringing about an honest assessment of Reid’s statement about how President Obama was elected as President because European Americans were ready to elect a lighter skinned African-American.

The bottom line is: It’s True!

We already scientifically know beyond a doubt that so-called “Whites” become more anxious, and even fearful, the darker a person is to whom they interact with (See 20th Century American Struggle, 21st Century Hope, Aakilarose Publishing). Additionally, the U.S. Department of Justice, NAACP and many universities for over 50 years have conducted research which shows that browner the skin the less likely will that person be hired or otherwise be accepted by lighter skinned persons, including within the African-American community itself. E.g.

With the Republicans screaming holy hell, they violate three significant principles:

First, they are being profound hypocrites. It’s the GOP who retains the majority of open and clandestine racists who vary in their degrees of dislike, discomfort or hatred towards brown-skinned persons and minorities. This has been meticulously detailed in the book 20th Century American Struggle….

Secondly, this campaign to unseat Reid is a massive move to delude Americans into believing that Reid’s statement is somehow racist when they know that the majority of European Americans did in fact vote for John McCain due to their discomfort of Obama having brown, not pink skin. This even though McCain and his party had just fleeced, and some would say, even raped Americans with vastly corrupt policies which rewarded roughly only 10% of the most wealthy Americans, as written about elsewhere. The only “White” Americans who came out in large numbers for Obama were those who are younger and women. And,

Thirdly, the most obvious of course is the fact that Republicans are struggling for ways to go on the offensive since they do not have any real ideas or solutions for the devastation that has been caused on our country over their tenure at the helm of the Federal Government Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches. This violates fundamental principles of integrity, for it is utterly dishonest of them to play a race card where there is none. They believe having Michael Steel, who is among the approximately 1% of  African-Americans who are hanging out calling themselves Republicans, speak out on this issue somehow will make it true.

Look: Harry Reid invited Senator Barrack to his office, not only to encourage him to run for president years before, but expressed his direct support for Obama. Senator Reid directly knows that most European Americans refused to vote for Obama out of fear that he was “black” and he has reviewed many reports which shows that African-Americans have been, and continue to be, subject to discriminatory treatment solely because they have brown skin.

Reid referring to Obama as “Negro” is precisely the era Reid was conditioned in. Up until the 1970s, African-Americans referred to themselves as Negro. And guess what? Today there is a movement among older African-Americans to have the U.S. Census Bureau include Negro on its list of how citizens would like to be recorded in census bureau records!

That’s right. So are the older Negro citizens racists’ because they wish to have others record them as Negros?

Let’s get real.

The Republicans also have called for a Hit to be issued on Reid. It’s true, a character assassination Hit.

The Republicans ruse, is just that, a joke. So folks, call, e-mail or otherwise communicate to all you know that what they are hearing in the Media is a bunch of childish non-sense that they should simply turn the channel on.

January 12, 2010 Posted by | 1 | , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment