Americans United Against Fraud

Continue Effort By Citizens To Combat Unchecked Fraud

S & P Downgrade Real or Fiction?

The United States has evolved into a society with a very false facade.

Standard & Poors (S&P) recent downgrading of US credit worthiness is the most recent case in point. What no one in the news or elsewhere has pointed out is that the men who own, operate and control S&P are multi-billionaires who have absolutely no interest in the common person’s well being, but only the wealth of them and fellow billionaires and millionaires.

This is very important for any evaluation of what is currently going on.

S&P’s owners know very well that its issuance of ratings for companies and countries has a direct effect on the investors and just as importantly on the actions and attitudes of the executives who run them. Example: During the 1980s after Reagan deregulated banking laws which President F.D. Roosevelt and others instituted to protect Americans from predatory lenders and fraudulent business practices of banks, various States decided to create their own laws to protect their citizens. Georgia, South Carolina were the leaders who restricted how much interest lenders could charge, among other prohibitions.

First Republican and Democratic congressmen accepted bribes from Wall Street and the banking industry, which mainstream media refused to report on, to enact federal laws which superseded any state laws which was designed to protect citizens from fraudulent practices. Then Presidents Reagan, Bush and Clinton administration accepted bribes from Wall Street and banking industry to not only work along with legislators to eliminate protective laws, but to hire Wall Street and Banking officers onto administrative staff who wrote new legislation that authorized Wall Street bankers to solicit funds from Americans and others for “investment” into real estate market.

You see, presidential candidate Ross Perot warned us that NAFTA and other trade agreements would take manufacturing jobs from Americans and give them to foreigners. That is not bad in itself if those jobs were providing products for those foreign markets and accepting American products and services equally; however, the agreements were designed to primarily be a one-way street where we would receive the products, but our products would be rejected. This meant that investment dollars which was traditionally were invested in US manufacturing had to find a home. Wall Street decided that Real Estate Market would be that home.

The test run in the 1980’s lead to the S&L crisis where the historic bail out resulted in the government putting tax payers on the hook for over half a trillion dollars to Wall Street and corrupt bankers. During the 2000s, JP Morgan, Bear Sterns, Goldman Sacks, after bribing presidents and congressmen to place their men into governmental positions of power, conspired and acted to have Brokers solicited trillions in investment dollars from Americans and their investment plan operators to invest in mortgage back securities which were intentionally designed to lead to the stripping of borrowers savings, income and property equity before producing certain default.

Each of these Wall Street firms, as well as others, bribed S&P operators to give AAA rating to these investments, or other rankings that were higher than their true worth. This was needed to falsely present to investors that putting their money into such investments were as safe as putting it into American Treasuries. This of course was false and very much a fiction.

What many are currently overlooking is the fact that it was S&P and Moody rating agencies which very much covered up and assisted the conspiracy which lead to our Rescission/Depression which started in force back in 2007, lead to term-oil in 2008 and which we still have not recovered from. Obama of course is now a hostage of all this.

Now back to the States who sought to protect their citizens from fraudulent lending practices. S&P owners and operators had their staff directly contact the legislators of Georgia and other states threatening them that if they did not change protection laws, that S&P would downgrade their credit rating which would result in those States getting loans at a higher payment or interest rates.

Mr Chambers of S&P is its public front-man who knowingly uses its ratings for political purposes when its owners sees fits. We should now be asking why did S&P downgrade US credit when it is actually the most vibrant and best on the planet? Also, what is S&P trying to manipulate our government officials to do? Keep in mind that S&P ONLY represents the top 10% income earners in the country who do not keep the bulk of their funds in the US but off shore.

August 6, 2011 Posted by | Uncategorized | , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Enemies Within The United States

What has become very very clear is the fact that while our attention is focused on “enemies” outside of our country – e.g. Al Quaeda, Iran, North Korea and even Mexicans – a far more destructive group of persons are attacking the United States from within. They are causing more destruction from within than any enemy can achieve without.

These internal Enemies Of The State, are not Arabs, Mexicans or the thugs who steal, rob and kill throughout our land, but are those who have penetrated each White House administration since Nixon with Double Agents who have not only gathered  intelligence for their masters, but have been selected by presidential administrations to actually design, write, implement and enforce federal and state policies which directly taps into our national treasury for their own and their masters personal gains.

The United States is the envy of most of the world in regards to the material advancements that it has developed for the vast majority of its citizens. Wherever I travel throughout the world I always find many who wish that they had my US Passport in order to leave their home for mine. Nonetheless, there are wonderful things about other cultures and places that we no longer have. E.g. tight and respectful family relations, appreciation for soft bed, clean air and endless supply of food to choose from every day.

What I also find in every country I visit is that there are those who see the US as a dominating tyrant who interferes in other country affairs in order to enslave them or transfer their resources to the US. It is certainly no secret that we make up less than 5% of the world’s population here in the US, but we consume at least 30% of fuels, about 50% of food and of course 60% of world’s energy. There are no other people who are fatter than Americans on average. We also have some of the worst health rates. All of this translates into tremendous waste of our finances.

Ironically, the so-called “Main-Stream” media keeps us focused mostly on the state of affairs of others outside the country or when they report on things within, they are the very small petty bad guys. You know, the guy that’s doing petty robberies or killing locals out of their suffering human condition. Very little effort and attention is actually paid to those who have very effectively enslaved us, our children and our children children. When it comes to those who actually kill and murder Americans, not out of individual suffering, but out of greed and motivation for money, the media simply repeats whatever they are told to report with no verification.

We know from history that our two recent Bush presidents was influenced by their grandfather Prescott Bush who was officially an American Nazi who supported Hitler’s Germany and wished for this racist rule to come to America. We know that our US Military was involved in the assassination of the Kennedy brothers who were the first presidents since Eisenhower to stand up to the Military and not tow its line. There are examples after examples, but what remains consistent is that the evils that continuously rise up in America always comes from groups who have infiltrated our government and taken over decision-making. If they cannot buy you out, they will kill you.

President Obama is not destined to be killed by plotters simply because he is not denying these infiltrators access to the US Treasury. In his heart I am sure that he would love to stand up to these groups, but he reasons that he can do more good staying alive than being assassinated.

Back in the 1930s, President FDR and decent Americans from the West and South stood up against the North Eastern Banking brokers and took away about 80% of their power to enslave Americans. Inherent to banking is the need to have others who are in debt to you. If there are no debtors, there is no way to make money. Bankers do not have the mind to produce things which can actually benefit or enhance society, they simply wish to make money and have no real moral or ethical interest in how that is achieved. If cocaine was legalized tomorrow, Bank of America, Chase, Wells Fargo and the rest of the 13 major banks would become the largest drug pushers in the US.

Glass-Segal was a major piece of law that prevented bankers and other financial folks from getting too big to fail. The reason FDR and others in the 1930’s enacted laws to keep banks and financial institutions small was due to the inherent fraud that arose, the enslavement of Americans and more importantly, how it always took down the US economy.

The solution to the financial industry was to follow the Military, Medical and other industries by training men to penetrate into governmental positions where decisions would be made that affected banking. Of course billion of dollars was targeted federal and state officials, but it was the infiltration of spies into the White houses successfully, and congress, since at least President Nixon’s administration. They have only gotten stronger since.

Our Federal Reserve, Treasury and other key regulatory institutions are run by Wall Street and Banking trained persons. They do not have any allegiance to the Constitution nor the American People. They are hired by bosses who simply wish to suck money out of US coffers and have Americans forever in debt to them. And a small majority of Americans have consistently hired US Presidents who hired these types of folks. I am not only referring to the Bush’s, they obviously duped us – the son even stealing the presidency from Gore – but this small majority did not either have the sense to see through Carter, Reagan and Clinton who each kept open doors to Wall Street and Bankers, or this majority did not hold these leaders feet to the fire.

If you can not relate to this, then ask yourself who in the hell does the US owe so much money too? How can banks and Wall Street firms who commit thievery in public day light receive over 2 trillion dollars and counting?

There is more however.

The real treachery is not simply enslaving us, but  taking our money and creating a very artificial way for making money. Namely, Real Estate.

The real estate bubbles that have been recurring since 1980s is a direct growing result of our dollars being focused on the real estate market and not other industries. Before Reagan and the Democratic and Republican congresses tore down Glass-Segal Act which prevented depressions for 50 years, most investment dollars went into American industries which actually produced products and things that could be sold to ourselves and the rest of the world. By taking 80% of our investment dollars and putting it into real estate simply because the top 1% of Americans can make billions more quickly and die with billions more in a trust, we have supported a model that dramatically inflates the prices of our homes while at the same time setting most home owners up to never be able to actually pay off their home and in many cases end up ultimately in foreclosure.

Imagine that: we can all have homes but with no strong companies to employ us or no real way to have our own business unless it’s in home development.

Am I really missing something here or is this plain stupid?

The American People are truly under attack. Our enemies are others who say their Americans, but are in fact traitors. They have duped us into voting them into political offices – the Bush’s, Clinton, Reagan, Carter – and they coerce those with ideals such as Obama, into their camp with a mixture of death threats and lots of money and promised rewards.

We need to pray for insight and a spirit to fight back. We are selling our children off as slaves. However, what is more critical is that we must stop voting for officials and expecting them to do the right thing. At least 80% of the people who surround Obama are pushing their own or another’s self interests and not those of American People. Americans need to infiltrate these Americans in order to overpower the traitors who are in there now.

August 1, 2010 Posted by | Uncategorized | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Bank of America Predatory Strategies

In January 2008, Bank of America officially announced that it would buy out Countrywide Home Loans and its mother or Holding company Countrywide Financial Corporation with all of its subsidiaries.

Countrywide had perfected predatory lending. It held itself out as being America’s number one home lender which could be trusted to do more for the home buying consumer than what any other lender could.

In the 1950’s and 60’s Angelo Mozilo grow up in the Bronx New York witnessing how the Italian, Jewish and other Mafia performed racketeering crimes upon New Yorkers. Key among the crimes was loan sharking, where loans were afforded to people who were usually desperate for funds and had no other means of securing such.

In fact Mozilo’s father was targeted with efforts to export him as a butcher. It is not clear whether the Mafia controlled his butcher father, one thing is clear today, Mozilo learned how to butcher fellow Americans through loans which transferred over a trillion dollars in equity away from Americans and into his and others pockets.

The real news is that Bank of America is quietly turning Countrywide in not out of a sense of duty, but to divert attention away from the reality that BofA itself is, and has mostly been since 1988, a predatory lender.

The strategy is to ask Attorney Generals of various states where Countrywide ran its predatory operations, to prosecute Countrywide civilly. BofA bought Countrywide for pennies on the dollar, made a sweetheart deal with Bush and Obama to have the FDIC unofficially guaranty that it cannot have any lost for taking on the Countrywide mess, and in exchange, the Feds and States will settle for very small penalties, relative to the gains, which do not directly help any of the consumers, but resets them up to default later so BofA can take their homes.

I do not like conspiracy theories, so I did some deep digging through the Freedom of Information Act and employed several investigators which in all pieces together a circumstantial puzzle that reflects these and more things.

It is quite clear, for instance, that each Attorney General who sued Countrywide had already planned with BofA lawyers before the lawsuits were filed in respective state courts, what the settlement dollar amounts would be. Just a month ago, the FTC filed a fraud and other charges lawsuit against Mozilo, Sambol, Countrywide et al, before 30 days passed, the settlement was filed for 108 million.

This clearly indicates, from a legal perspective, that BofA clearly sees that it has liabilities out there. The genius of this strategy is that mitigates the impression that it is a Bad Guy or that it has anything to do with predatory lending. Ironically, BofA has consistently been one of the top 20 de facto predatory lenders by way of owning subsidiaries, just as Wells Fargo and others, which targeted unsophisticated loan purchasers, minorities and elderly folks.

What very few lawyers have recognized that BofA and other lenders, including Federal puppets Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, are feverishness working to cover up MERS, the Mortgage Electronic Registration System, which is a Racketeers wet dream come true.

Throughout early American history, property become the most important aspect of being American. In Europe all the land was hoarded by the folks who called themselves nobility. Everyone else were serfs, or slaves. Coming to American meant that you could get some land and be a Noble unto yourself. What developed here was the recording of who owned what property. Later on, when folks started putting up their land for loans or for supplies, the Public Policy formed whereby if you wanted to have a viable claim to a land, and you wanted to have it in the turn in which you had a right to, you had to record your property publicly.

This not only maintained a record to which subsequent lenders could refer to in order to determine whether their was any of the pie left for them to carve up and lay claim to, thereby preventing the land owner from committing fraud on lenders, but just as importantly, it was designed to prevent lenders from committing fraud by making claims on property to which it had not bona fide lien or hold on.

Fast forward to 20th Century Wall Street/Bankers. MERS was created to be a private, not public, recording bureau not only to record, but to maximize revenue.

Publicly MERS pretends it simply helps lenders save money by avoiding local public recording laws. What evidence now shows is that it allows lenders to create many loans out of one and resale them over and other so they can supply mortgage backed security pools and to evade billions in federal taxes. The IRS actually started and investigation on this, but the Bush Administration called them off. Why? AIG of course was a major Bush stronghold and they were belly deep in MERS and the gang.

The savings and loan frauds of the 1980’s was actually the Bankers and Wall Street firms test run on massively stripping equity out of Americans. The set the stage with Reagan, the Democrats and Republicans by first getting rid of Roosevelts Glass-Steagal Act which prevented depression for 50 years then Bush-Republicans-Democrats to get rid of the authority that bankruptcy judges had from that same 1930s era, to reduce a home owners principle on their home, structure affordable payments and tell the banks to accept the lost.

The American Dream of Home Ownership is literally just that, a Dream.

Americans cannot own their home now unless, and only if, they purchased their homes before the 1980s or they are millionaires or otherwise have the straight cash to buy the home.

The bankers, Wall Street and mortgage lenders have designed loans where there is no making money off of a 30 year fix rate loan, but only short 5, 10 or maybe 15 year terms, and even then they are adjustable rates in order to maximize their profits and to compel home wanna be owners, to be forever enslaved to the Dream of working to pay off a loan that is impossible to pay off short of the foregoing exceptions.

We must come together and form a real team against this threat. I remembered reading in high school how our forefathers warned about the threats that have now over powered us, but I use to believe that it could never happen in modern sophisticated times.

I personally see now how most Senators and many Congressmen are actually treasonous traitors. I believe that they have acted worst then any terrorist has, for they are Trojans who gain our trust but sell their very souls to bankers who positively aim to always enslave us. Just as they are intentionally creating foreclosures on individuals, they have collectively foreclosed on America.

July 2, 2010 Posted by | Uncategorized | , , , , , , , , , , , , | 3 Comments

21st Century American Revolution

In the book, 20th Century American Struggle, 21st Century Hope, there is a scenario where there is a table with ten (10) seats and set with massive amounts of the best foods on earth.

Imagine you being one of these ten people in the seat. You just came in from a hard day’s work and you’re ready to grub down with 9 other folks. As you are about to eat, one of the other 9 persons summons their workers over to the table to take 90% of the food off the table with instructions to cart the food off to their warehouse which they hoard away from everyone else.

What would you do? What would you say?

Well, the truth is that most of us are experiencing this everyday and we say or do nothing. In America, less than 10% take over 90% of the American economic pie and hoard it away in far off shore accounts or investments in other lands that Americans cannot benefit from.

It is very clear that there are powerful elite in America who are bent on dominating the majority of us. J.P. Morgan was the dominate player who contributed to the cause of the Great Depression coming on, and he used some of his own money to prop up the falling Wall Street. Today we now know that Merrill Lynch, AIG, Lehman Brothers, BofA, Countrywide and others collectively focused so much on stripping personal and commercial equity from us that they caused the Second Depression, albeit not as Great as the first. At least so far.

Americans are very much in trouble. They have no power over the decisions that politicians make on economic issues and they reject the sane insights of Michael Moore, Ross Poret, Ralph Nadar and others who have been calling our in the Wilderness for years. Capitalism is showing just how ugly and nasty it can be when the majority buy into its deception. Its okay when regulated, but destructive when not. Reagan convinced most to accept Trickle Down economics. That is where the wealthiest are given a greater share of the economic pie and let their crumbs fall down for others to pick up. The obvious problem to this, is that One (1) percent at the top gets over 50% of this pie and another 9% gets most of what is left.

Politicians are ABSOLUTELY bought out by those who have massive amounts of money. Only if politicians have a lot of money, as some of the Kennedys showed, and have a tradition of caring for people, will politicians be able to resist much of the greed and corruptions that take place.

We can wish America to get better all we want. It will not happen on its own. Coupled with racism, our capitalistic system is one of the most insensitive in the world. We are materially better off than 90% of the countries out there. But something that is inherent to elite of every country, they are still bent on enslaving the majority out of some sense of superiority that dangles in a self God perspective of themselves.

The founding Fathers of America knew this well and is why the Second Amendment was in fact second to the first. To carry arms was, and to a certain extent, still important. But in this 21st Century, the elite of the world will not be checked by pistols when they have smart bombs and cell phones that tracks our every movement. The common people need more sophisticated and powerful weapons to combat these every growing and dominating elite forces.

Specifically, we need to be able to sue the hell out of our Senators and Congressmen. They will only give access, real influential access, to those with money. Well, if citizens were to be able to sue them with those they conspire with, then this would level the playing field quite a bit. You see, right now, our officials protect themselves by enacting laws which give them immunity. This is detrimental for citizens. Revolution can only be won if citizens rise up and demand the right to sue their representatives in courts.

President Obama is now talking about taking away or reducing citizens rights to sue insurance companies, not to benefit citizens, but to benefit the elite. Keep in mind that their profits are more than 1000% even with citizens suing insurance companies. The problem is they do not want to be penalized in a way which would cause them to act ethically.

To have a revolution we must be intentional about it. To be a slave, we must remain passive.

September 16, 2009 Posted by | 1 | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Slavery Still Alive In America Through Wall Street and Mortgage Companies

What is absolutely extraordinary is the fact that there is a constitutional ban on slavery yet our government has authorized it by way of creating laws (or striping laws away) which gives free rein to non bank and banking mortgage companies the freedom to not only strip the equity from american homes, but to additionally siphon off trillions that we and future generations will have to pay.

When you evaluate our history in this area, one truly thinks that its banking perpetrators are very hostile enemies of the common American. For their actions are actually trapping us in a mess not of our own choosing, but a trap orchestrated by financial masterminds who have an insatiable greed to suck money from us.

The mortgage industry in general is a good thing when it is your local community bank or Credit Union. Theoretically it can be good if under real regulatory control, but politicians and bureaucrats typically do not put the common people first. They put those with the largest purse first. When quantity and the elite are the focus we have repeated financial failures. Capitalism itself is not evil, but American capitalism truly is.

Back in the Carter administration, the door was opened to non-banking lenders to not only issue mortgages, but mortgages that could be sold on Wall Street. It would take a couple of decades for Countrywide and its elk to exploit the new laws, and for Reagan to deregulate or not regulate at all, but in principle once the non banking mortgage companies began to run out of folks who could afford to put 10 to 20 % down on a home purchase, they identified people who could not afford such as their next frontier. The problem was where would they get the money to finance these people, the government wasn’t going to back them.

Then came Wall Street and its rating agencies.

Wall Street is a parasite that never dies. It has an insatiable appetite to consume. It would be no exaggeration to characterize it as the metabilism of a capitalistic society. When you do not feed it, just as our bodily metabilism would eat our own bodies internally if not feed, Wall Street eats its society when it appetites grows and there is not enough external food for it to consume. Those politicians who pushed to invest Social Security on Wall Street were bought out by Lobbiest who worked for Wall Street firms who knew this.

In the late 90’s through 2000’s, large Wall Street firms began courting non banking mortgage companies and working out agreements where mortgages would be put together in “Securities” that could be rated by the rating agencies Moody’s, Standard & Poor’s and Fitch as investment quality securities which investors could buy. For the sake of simplicity: Imagine if you received A’s throughout your college or school years, you would be a good risk for a company to take in hiring you to do a job for them. Whereas getting F’s would be a poor investment.

Investors relied on the rating agencies to grade securities so they could weight risks’. What they did not know was that the heads of Wall Street firms had conspired with the heads of rating agencies to give A’s to mortgage securities that deserved B’s, C’s, D’s and yes, even F’s. Politicians know this but have been threaten by Wall Street and rating agencies power over there economic lives. For example, only Georgia and New Jersey have been bold enough to pass anti-predatory lending laws that prohibit sub-prime loans with financial liabilities and otherwise protected the consumers. The rating agencies downgraded these states Rating in order to make it difficult or more expensive for them to get loans and other benefits on the world market until these state politicians reversed their laws, taking away the liability for predatory lending.

This opened the door wider for greedy businessmen such as Countrywide Angelo Mozilo and others to train thousands of employees to falsely portray to Americans that subprime loans were the best choice for them, when in fact conventional loans or no loan at all was. The reason for this was if they could get Americans into sub-prime loans, they would then be assured in transferring, or stripping, the equity from American homeowners and taking it for themselves. This mortgage crisis was nothing sort of transferring equity from millions of Americans over to a few.

Angelo Mozilo, Kenneth Lewis of Bank of America, John Stumpf of Wells Fargo and all their lower lieutenants have walked away with BILLIONS of dollars. Each one of them had no more than a few thousand dollars when they first started out. The same is true, and even worst for Wall Street King Pins. Wall Street gave these incompetent greedy men billions of dollars of American money, knowing that it would all crumble at some point. They were never concerned about losing other people money, just like Bernard L. Madoff who intentionally stole over 50 billion of investor money. In fact, the culture on Wall Street is to STEAL others money if they are not capable to increasing it through Wall Street’s gambling techniques.

The bottom line is that we are not being protected by anyone in Congress or our state houses. They are using 90% of Americans as slaves. They set up these games for us to play in, with the cards stacked against us, and ensure that we end up in debt collectively if not individually. Not only do we have to pay our way out of these trillions that are being stacked up, but our future children for the next hundred or more years. At some point a generation is going to raise up who has enough guts to revolt collectively. Only a few are ready to do so now. We are all like the frog who is getting cooked ever so slowly, not knowing that we’re heading towards a boil that is going to kill us.

September 7, 2009 Posted by | 1 | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 11 Comments

Americans Are Being Led To The Slaughter As Jews Were To The Chambers

It is utterly extraordinary how complacent and non-active we are. The Bushes and there gangster crew have been literally raping every American whose income falls under 300k annually–which happens to be the vast majority of Americans–and we are accepting this abuse without massive protest or action.

From the outset, George Bush, Sr administration was following the domestic policies of Ronald Reagan’s of flooding American streets with cocaine which came to be known as “Crack.” I have personally met former CIA agents and associates who ran with Oliver North and the Saudis to sale cocaine to Americans in order to not only raise money for the Sandinistas “Contras,” but to enrich a few key players. Additionally, this lead to a kind of ethnic cleansing, or new age Apartied, that incarcerated more humans within a decade than had occurred throughout human history. Over 80% of them just happen to be African Americans, Latinos and other minorities.

We have clear evidence that the Bush family directly, and most of their associates in directly, has ties to Oil and the Prison industries. They have all become billionaires from tax dollars. They have given some of us so-called tax cuts on one hand, however, with the other hand–namely via gas pumps–they take not only the tax cut, but they dig and steal even more. Its our tax dollars that gave these oil moguls their positions and now they are trying to get blood from us all.

Why are Democrats claiming to be for the people when in point of fact they are condoning this horrendous corruption?

Americans are being economically slaughtered. Clinton of course toed the line by pushing NAFTA through during his term. Only few of us saw the wisdom of Ross Perot. The last 20 years has clearly shown that the vast majority of Americans are sheep. It’s not their fault per se, but simply a fact. The Jews were killed by the millions by a mind-set very similar to the ones running our country today. The news organizations like CNN, MSNBC et al act as agents for covering it all up and as advertisers for junk food and junk products.

But maybe its only me. I sure would like for someone to straighten me out if my little perceptions are inaccurate.

April 11, 2008 Posted by | 1 | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment