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Rise of Home Grown Terrorism – Again

Last week the Southern Poverty Law Center released its Intelligence Report regarding the rapid rise of racist hate groups in the United States, partly in the form of militias. They are directly reacting to the presidency of Barrack Obama. Each day they are eating and digesting raw hatred. The men who are leading the recruitment efforts of whites to adopt this hate are men who are incapable of leading others under healthy normal issues and ways, but they are increasingly becoming more and more successful.

The last time we saw a significant rise was during Bill Clinton’s presidency. But it was no where it is now.

As we know, hatred has been always alive in the United States and part of its foundation. South African Whites learned from the US on erecting its system of Apartied, and of course Hitler’s Nazi Germany was motivated and guided from the US’s Fathers of Racism. Racism throughout the world gets its main food from America. America leads in world racism, not because most or even the majority of White Americans are racists’, but precisely because the minority who are, speak from the Pulpit of a Superpower.

Just as the world look towards America to lead in economic, technological and other areas, the area of race has no less of a position and status. White Americans of the 1960’s and 70’s stood up and publically rejected the Right Wing racism which produced enormous healing to the country. We are now in an era where Whites will need to step up again and battle their own. The danger is very, very real.

A significant segment of the Republican Party are stoking the flames of hate specifically for political purposes. The statistical fact is that 80% of those connected to Militias identifies themselves as Republicans, or state that the GOP are closest to their political hearts. Although the most extreme racists’ are not active GOP members, and belong to the KKK, White Citizen and other groups, they actively work everyday to feed their hatred to those who are in the party in order to filter it all into mainstream.

Yes, the GOP  is the doorway Racists’ use to manipulate and control White America.

Timothy McVeigh was a home-grown terrorist who blew up a Federal Building in Oklahoma. There is a sufficient history and bio on him by Douglas Linder which shows many of the ingredients of today’s racists’. The majority of Americans, as most people of the world, find it difficult to understand racists’. It takes effort, a great deal of it, to hate. It reduces the capacity to function in other more socially healthy ways. Perhaps it’s precisely when we have more important things to do which are healthy that keeps us from sinking into things which are not. Americans are so busy with the day-to-day activities of making money, entertainment and maintaining relationships that they simply do not have time nor energy to get into other things.

Terrorism in general grows out of a chronic dissatisfaction with ones circumstance.  Most terrorists’ dissatisfaction derives from imagined problems and issues which are based on portions of reality. Seeing President Obama signals that African-Americans are being much more socially recognized as being Americans. This is reality. But they attach to this the view that “Blacks” and Jews are overtaking our government in order to enslave them. Seeing the Banking  crisis of 2009-09 and the Trillions of dollars in bailout funds signals that American financial institutions are corrupt and bankrupt, are clear realities. They then attach to this that “Jews and Blacks” are being enriched by it and are deliberately doing so in order to bring America down to a 3rd World status nation.

Right now, today, there are hundreds of Timothy McVeigh-like Whites being programmed to commit acts of violence in America. Right now, they are plotting on what to do and how to do it. Most of the acts starts off small. E.g. robbing or fighting with those they see as enemies. All in an effort to lay mental foundation for maximum control. It’s the same techniques employed my Arab-Muslim extremists’. The latter will train followers to misinterpret the Quran – Islams – holy book. The formers will use the Jewish and Christian books to reinterpret what is occurring in the world at large and in their lives specifically. The end result is same. Producing violence on those trying to live normal lives.

When I stay months in Pakistan, Dubai and elsewhere in the Muslim world, I find that most people do not believe in terrorism. In fact, every Mosque – Muslims churches – must be guarded by police due to muslims being attacked and killed by extremists. But I find sympathy coming from the average person. They can relate to why the extremist are fighting. They have a sense of why they hate the “West” and perceive America as an enemy.

When I talk with many White American men in private one-on-ones, I learn that they have varying degrees of sympathy with right-wing extremists’. Typically its only the older males and some females who hold sympathies, while the younger ones have less understanding. Most of them cannot articulate coherent basis for why they sympathize, but cite vague things about the conditions we’re in and threats we face.

Whether you’re part of majority Muslim majority or White American majority who do not openly support terrorism, as long as you remain silent or otherwise not actively rejecting your extremists’, you are supporting them. For hatred, whether at home or abroad, only thrives in a land where the majority remains quiet. It does no good for a minority to fight hatred, they can only be so effective. Success can only come if the entire family comes together to perform an intervention.

Prosecutions and prison is not truly the best remedy for such problems. Confronting those who feed hatred into people is the most effective way to combat hatred. Getting the poison at its root, not the branches it produces. The David Dukes, Congressman Steve Kings, and Senator Lindsey Grahams of the world are the types of racists’ leaders who uses race to galvanize their supporters. The problem is that it infects our society and hinders progress in other more meaningful areas.

I do not like identifying any one group with such sickness, but the fact is that the GOP is the main gateway that racists’ use to feed Americans their hatred. The truth of the matter is that we need another type of party that does not tolerate such minds. But alas, the GOP does not wish to cater to mainstream Americans precisely because its greater and main interests’ revolves around big business. So essentially, big business uses the racists’ to attract those who would like to associate themselves with the wealthiest. Not being racists, themselves and not having no way to attract the common person, its their only way to gain a foothold into our political system.

If America did not have the one person one vote, then big business would not need to make inroads into the hearts and minds of the people and therefore would not support racists’.

The solution should now be obvious to you.

April 4, 2010 Posted by | 1 | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

President Obama Is Not Our Leader–Terrorists Prove It

Barrack Obama’s presidency is clearly showing that when it comes to the functions, operations and policies of governments in general, and America in particular, that Presidents do not truly run or really guide their country. His presidency also shows that Albert Einstein’s famous Insight that insanity is: “doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”

Terrorists’ are largely being motivated by U.S. Foreign policies to target people, places and things American. The officials in Washington know this, the world at large knows this, yet the same policies which have been producing hatred and justification for attacking us for decades, continues with the Obama administration.

Mostly everyone who voted for and supported Obama for president, had varying degrees of hope that it would bring a major shift from hitherto policies and direction of our country. His health care achievement is hands-down historical and much-needed. His bailout to bankers, a significantly poor move, as I noted elsewhere. Our visual perception told us that since he looks totally different from any of our preceding “White” presidents, that he would behave differently and thereby alter how we conducted governmental business. After all, everyone knows that brown-skinned people have been oppressed and abused throughout history and Obama would bring a real change from our past since he derives from this oppressed group.

Historically, America has been a kind of Closet Imperialist. The United Kingdom, driven by the British, came to your door, you knew that White Supremacy was coming because they plainly told you so. The U.S. have gone into places under the auspices of fighting the “evil” of Communism, Drugs and Terrorism. When the great evil empire of USSR fell, leaders panicked because there was nothing which threatened us, therefore, no way to galvanize Americans — i.e. dupe  us — into seeing some great threat which had to be attacked and invested in. Drugs rose quickly on the list and billions went into growing our military missions throughout the world, particularly South America, our Prison Industrial Complex and more.

It is an absolute miracle that we have not suffered additional terrorist attacks on American soil. We have managed to contain it outside since 9/11, but this should not minimize the fact that there are thousands who would commit their lives to killing us and millions who disliking what we represent. In fact many are back to hating us with a similar intensity that George Bush produced in them. When I go into the Arab world, whether in its cities or most rural regions, I’m able to directly feel the pulse of them.

In December 2008, when I visited Pakistan and other countries, the natives had a sincere hope that America’s election of a brown-skinned man to its helm, would reflect a fundamental change in its aggressive dominating nature. i.e. White Supremacy was dead.

After all, their eyes told them that the policies of the United States was perpetrated by “White” men and that others within the U.S. were just as much of a victim of these policies as those on the outside. So surely, they reasoned, an African-American president would institute policies that would cease all aggression in their part of the world and either help them to overcome their own government’s ill-treatment, or at least cease supporting them so the people could take their countries over.

Staying in Afghanistan was a clear error, increasing troops there is a horrible crime against the American people and their safety in the world. It is all about show, not substance.

The United States would actually be more effective to either open up real dialog with locals, coupled with infusion of social and business building; or to send in small hit teams who can quietly go in and take out those who are a threat. More specifically, Hit Squads who operate as a surgeon with a scalpel versus demolition man with his bombs. But this would not be for public consumption, and hence public control. Promulgating an effective policy to kill terrorists’ leaders would prevent justification for transferring billions from Tax coffers to military industrial corporations that dictates to all presidents to go to war.

Frankly, the problem is that it is not Barrack Obama running the country in this regard. No president actually ever does. We like to pretend that they do, but the reality is that there are men who are completely behind the scenes who dictate what does and does not happen policy-wise. Just think, what would you do if you were in office? Mostly everyone who gets elected starts off with a similar wish list; however, once in they can no longer win their own agenda, but must push the agendas of others who are the top 1%.

The Detroit Almost-Bomber of Northwest Flight 253 failure, was only a single defect away from making our X-mas a veritable hell. But the lands he has travelled sees hell everyday through rampant poverty pretty much caused or sustained by governments supported, in varying degrees, by U.S. policies that our very own officials make. We call them terrorists’, but this is what they call us. We say they are twisted and insane, yet, it’s exactly how they perceive us. Americans who never travel out of the U.S. do not have a real idea just how negative our policies are overseas. From what I see, our policies are designed to produce hatred towards us and the only real people who will be killed are us little folk. Not the officials who are catering to the 1%.

Janet Napolitano ignorantly stated Sunday that our screening process worked well, after the firebomb successfully went off. How bureaucratic. Why didn’t she just say we failed and some heads needed to roll? Clear state of denial there. Would they truly truly care if that bomb went off and killed those hundreds of passengers? I believe they would, but there are some who see dollar signs in the rise of military and other expenditures, when such a catastrophe occurs.

Change can only come if the majority perceive what’s actually going on and demand, in a constant sustained way, that officials reverse policies. We are doing the same things over and over against expecting a difficult result. Our foreign policies are clearly suffering from retardation and we’re going along with it….

December 29, 2009 Posted by | 1 | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Pastor Paul Shepard–Abundant Life Christian Fellowship


In less than 2 weeks being back in the United States, I am hit with an onslaught of incidents where men and women I know are facing problems with the men having an affair with other women. I thought my post on Tiger Woods would be the last time I wrote on this subject for the foreseeable future, but this past weekend the issue hit a hell of a lot closer to home.

I’ve only been saved with the blood of Jesus, consciously, since 2005. Before than I was a full fledged runner for the Devil who left devastation in my wake. Church in general, has been a great resource and blessing for me. For the first time in my life, I have become grounded in the reality of God and the Son of God. Specifically, it’s been a higher university of training for me under the leadership of Pastor Paul Shepard of Abundant Life Christian Fellowship–the most diversified churches in the U.S. Typically, I separate them from my professional life. This is mainly because of my training in Jurisprudence and history which gives me the notion about the separation of Church and State.

Picture as a backdrop: I’m getting the silly news about Tiger while I’m over in Pakistan and Dubai. An area of the world that has starvation, bombings and water that is less safe than Mexico’s water. I return a Friday mid afternoon after 16 hour flight and as I try to sleep that evening I receive a phone call from one of my best friend’s wife who says he just dumped her for a 30-year-old young thing. I’m pissed at him and pissed at the media for being so trivial. Then I go to my church’s first Saturday service–we have a need to serve 2 on Saturday and 2 on Sunday.

We were told to prepare ourselves in order to care for congregants who will be told that our Senior Pastor shall be resigning. We were left to our own imaginations as to why and presumed that no one would actually tell us why. But we speculate that it must be some politics that forced him out. You know, the Elders not wanting to go along with his plans for the church or some other trivial human affair. But as always, speculation was not on point.

This is a man who took me to the highest university of training: Spiritual development. When I describe my pastor to others I will ultimately say that he has an umbilical cord tide to God. I have overcome spiritual ignorance due to his powerfully meticulous instructions. In fact, I have clearly come to see fornication and adultery as moral shortcomings that should be avoided or overcome with the help of the Holy Spirit. He is, in my eyes, a genius for God.

At the end of the first service, without any forewarning or even the smallest inkling of such, we are told that he has failed in his marriage vows! That is right, another minister bits the dust.

My instinctive reaction was: what is the big deal? He doesn’t have to deprive us of his spiritual prowess simply because of this. He’s a man. It just shows how powerful God designed testosterone. But this is not a man such as the politicians or other church leaders who commits what society or the Church sees as morally wrong and selfishly cares only about himself. He is a man of God who gives far more to the congregation he was instrumental in building, then he takes for himself.

Pastor Paul Shepard is personally one of the few men I have ever met who I can say is truly humble. Jimmy Carter I met decades ago and he impressed me as such. My uncle Gilbert was another–now deceased–and Barrack Obama conveyed this when we met in Detroit’s Cobo Center in 2008. I have met others, but their names would be unfamiliar to you.

Following up on my earlier post regarding monogamy, this seems to only confirm for me that God did not design men to have only one wife. I must investigate this further, but it seems that it is abnormal for men since the beginning of recorded history. Our social model now is designed to prefer the devastation of women and children. It says that men must get rid of one to get a “younger model.” I am questioning this because it seems more sensible to recognize that it is far more healthy for the husband to be obligated to never divorce her and always service her physical, emotional and financial needs. Pastor Paul is not going to be dumping his wife, but millions of men do. This is very, very detrimental to our society. It leaves a wake of disaster with children, women and men. See Is Monogamy of God?

There are so many beautiful sisters in the Church throughout the world, who truly would make excellent wives if only given the chance to become one with a responsible caring man.  But such men truly fall into a small number for a variety of reasons. In early biblical times, both Jews and Christians, if a man’s brother died leaving a childless wife behind, it was the duty of the surviving brother to support that sister in law in many ways.

I pray for my pastor, but I pray more for America to get rid of this primitive mind-set and evolve into a social structure that even the Bible seems to support. Statistically, 90% of men who get married between 18 and 30 end up either divorced and or involved in extramarital affairs. Now women in the West do not wish to acknowledge this, they selfishly want one man to themselves. But its a pipe dream. That man is theirs exclusively only for a very short period of time. In the end, they not only lose that man, but become emotionally damaged. Some resort to homosexuality giving up men all together, or go into isolation with devastated and profoundly disturbed minds.

The Godly inspired word found at Exodus 21: 10-12 authorizes followers of God to have more than one wife. It is conditioned with a very strict mandate to provide for the original wife–i.e. not dump her and certainly not divorce her as we do everyday in America. Jesus did not come to destroy the Law as written by Moses, but came to fulfill it. Christ is in fact married to us all Born Again followers. He is the One husband married to millions of brides. He’s a polygamist, not a monogamist.

We need to be more honest and free ourselves from these artificial  man-made artificial constructs. We need real Insight Beyond Sight.

David Merritt is the author of 20th Century American Struggle, 21st Century Hope.


December 21, 2009 Posted by | 1 | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 27 Comments

21st Century American Revolution

In the book, 20th Century American Struggle, 21st Century Hope, there is a scenario where there is a table with ten (10) seats and set with massive amounts of the best foods on earth.

Imagine you being one of these ten people in the seat. You just came in from a hard day’s work and you’re ready to grub down with 9 other folks. As you are about to eat, one of the other 9 persons summons their workers over to the table to take 90% of the food off the table with instructions to cart the food off to their warehouse which they hoard away from everyone else.

What would you do? What would you say?

Well, the truth is that most of us are experiencing this everyday and we say or do nothing. In America, less than 10% take over 90% of the American economic pie and hoard it away in far off shore accounts or investments in other lands that Americans cannot benefit from.

It is very clear that there are powerful elite in America who are bent on dominating the majority of us. J.P. Morgan was the dominate player who contributed to the cause of the Great Depression coming on, and he used some of his own money to prop up the falling Wall Street. Today we now know that Merrill Lynch, AIG, Lehman Brothers, BofA, Countrywide and others collectively focused so much on stripping personal and commercial equity from us that they caused the Second Depression, albeit not as Great as the first. At least so far.

Americans are very much in trouble. They have no power over the decisions that politicians make on economic issues and they reject the sane insights of Michael Moore, Ross Poret, Ralph Nadar and others who have been calling our in the Wilderness for years. Capitalism is showing just how ugly and nasty it can be when the majority buy into its deception. Its okay when regulated, but destructive when not. Reagan convinced most to accept Trickle Down economics. That is where the wealthiest are given a greater share of the economic pie and let their crumbs fall down for others to pick up. The obvious problem to this, is that One (1) percent at the top gets over 50% of this pie and another 9% gets most of what is left.

Politicians are ABSOLUTELY bought out by those who have massive amounts of money. Only if politicians have a lot of money, as some of the Kennedys showed, and have a tradition of caring for people, will politicians be able to resist much of the greed and corruptions that take place.

We can wish America to get better all we want. It will not happen on its own. Coupled with racism, our capitalistic system is one of the most insensitive in the world. We are materially better off than 90% of the countries out there. But something that is inherent to elite of every country, they are still bent on enslaving the majority out of some sense of superiority that dangles in a self God perspective of themselves.

The founding Fathers of America knew this well and is why the Second Amendment was in fact second to the first. To carry arms was, and to a certain extent, still important. But in this 21st Century, the elite of the world will not be checked by pistols when they have smart bombs and cell phones that tracks our every movement. The common people need more sophisticated and powerful weapons to combat these every growing and dominating elite forces.

Specifically, we need to be able to sue the hell out of our Senators and Congressmen. They will only give access, real influential access, to those with money. Well, if citizens were to be able to sue them with those they conspire with, then this would level the playing field quite a bit. You see, right now, our officials protect themselves by enacting laws which give them immunity. This is detrimental for citizens. Revolution can only be won if citizens rise up and demand the right to sue their representatives in courts.

President Obama is now talking about taking away or reducing citizens rights to sue insurance companies, not to benefit citizens, but to benefit the elite. Keep in mind that their profits are more than 1000% even with citizens suing insurance companies. The problem is they do not want to be penalized in a way which would cause them to act ethically.

To have a revolution we must be intentional about it. To be a slave, we must remain passive.

September 16, 2009 Posted by | 1 | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment