Americans United Against Fraud

Continue Effort By Citizens To Combat Unchecked Fraud

Enemies Within The United States

What has become very very clear is the fact that while our attention is focused on “enemies” outside of our country – e.g. Al Quaeda, Iran, North Korea and even Mexicans – a far more destructive group of persons are attacking the United States from within. They are causing more destruction from within than any enemy can achieve without.

These internal Enemies Of The State, are not Arabs, Mexicans or the thugs who steal, rob and kill throughout our land, but are those who have penetrated each White House administration since Nixon with Double Agents who have not only gathered  intelligence for their masters, but have been selected by presidential administrations to actually design, write, implement and enforce federal and state policies which directly taps into our national treasury for their own and their masters personal gains.

The United States is the envy of most of the world in regards to the material advancements that it has developed for the vast majority of its citizens. Wherever I travel throughout the world I always find many who wish that they had my US Passport in order to leave their home for mine. Nonetheless, there are wonderful things about other cultures and places that we no longer have. E.g. tight and respectful family relations, appreciation for soft bed, clean air and endless supply of food to choose from every day.

What I also find in every country I visit is that there are those who see the US as a dominating tyrant who interferes in other country affairs in order to enslave them or transfer their resources to the US. It is certainly no secret that we make up less than 5% of the world’s population here in the US, but we consume at least 30% of fuels, about 50% of food and of course 60% of world’s energy. There are no other people who are fatter than Americans on average. We also have some of the worst health rates. All of this translates into tremendous waste of our finances.

Ironically, the so-called “Main-Stream” media keeps us focused mostly on the state of affairs of others outside the country or when they report on things within, they are the very small petty bad guys. You know, the guy that’s doing petty robberies or killing locals out of their suffering human condition. Very little effort and attention is actually paid to those who have very effectively enslaved us, our children and our children children. When it comes to those who actually kill and murder Americans, not out of individual suffering, but out of greed and motivation for money, the media simply repeats whatever they are told to report with no verification.

We know from history that our two recent Bush presidents was influenced by their grandfather Prescott Bush who was officially an American Nazi who supported Hitler’s Germany and wished for this racist rule to come to America. We know that our US Military was involved in the assassination of the Kennedy brothers who were the first presidents since Eisenhower to stand up to the Military and not tow its line. There are examples after examples, but what remains consistent is that the evils that continuously rise up in America always comes from groups who have infiltrated our government and taken over decision-making. If they cannot buy you out, they will kill you.

President Obama is not destined to be killed by plotters simply because he is not denying these infiltrators access to the US Treasury. In his heart I am sure that he would love to stand up to these groups, but he reasons that he can do more good staying alive than being assassinated.

Back in the 1930s, President FDR and decent Americans from the West and South stood up against the North Eastern Banking brokers and took away about 80% of their power to enslave Americans. Inherent to banking is the need to have others who are in debt to you. If there are no debtors, there is no way to make money. Bankers do not have the mind to produce things which can actually benefit or enhance society, they simply wish to make money and have no real moral or ethical interest in how that is achieved. If cocaine was legalized tomorrow, Bank of America, Chase, Wells Fargo and the rest of the 13 major banks would become the largest drug pushers in the US.

Glass-Segal was a major piece of law that prevented bankers and other financial folks from getting too big to fail. The reason FDR and others in the 1930’s enacted laws to keep banks and financial institutions small was due to the inherent fraud that arose, the enslavement of Americans and more importantly, how it always took down the US economy.

The solution to the financial industry was to follow the Military, Medical and other industries by training men to penetrate into governmental positions where decisions would be made that affected banking. Of course billion of dollars was targeted federal and state officials, but it was the infiltration of spies into the White houses successfully, and congress, since at least President Nixon’s administration. They have only gotten stronger since.

Our Federal Reserve, Treasury and other key regulatory institutions are run by Wall Street and Banking trained persons. They do not have any allegiance to the Constitution nor the American People. They are hired by bosses who simply wish to suck money out of US coffers and have Americans forever in debt to them. And a small majority of Americans have consistently hired US Presidents who hired these types of folks. I am not only referring to the Bush’s, they obviously duped us – the son even stealing the presidency from Gore – but this small majority did not either have the sense to see through Carter, Reagan and Clinton who each kept open doors to Wall Street and Bankers, or this majority did not hold these leaders feet to the fire.

If you can not relate to this, then ask yourself who in the hell does the US owe so much money too? How can banks and Wall Street firms who commit thievery in public day light receive over 2 trillion dollars and counting?

There is more however.

The real treachery is not simply enslaving us, but  taking our money and creating a very artificial way for making money. Namely, Real Estate.

The real estate bubbles that have been recurring since 1980s is a direct growing result of our dollars being focused on the real estate market and not other industries. Before Reagan and the Democratic and Republican congresses tore down Glass-Segal Act which prevented depressions for 50 years, most investment dollars went into American industries which actually produced products and things that could be sold to ourselves and the rest of the world. By taking 80% of our investment dollars and putting it into real estate simply because the top 1% of Americans can make billions more quickly and die with billions more in a trust, we have supported a model that dramatically inflates the prices of our homes while at the same time setting most home owners up to never be able to actually pay off their home and in many cases end up ultimately in foreclosure.

Imagine that: we can all have homes but with no strong companies to employ us or no real way to have our own business unless it’s in home development.

Am I really missing something here or is this plain stupid?

The American People are truly under attack. Our enemies are others who say their Americans, but are in fact traitors. They have duped us into voting them into political offices – the Bush’s, Clinton, Reagan, Carter – and they coerce those with ideals such as Obama, into their camp with a mixture of death threats and lots of money and promised rewards.

We need to pray for insight and a spirit to fight back. We are selling our children off as slaves. However, what is more critical is that we must stop voting for officials and expecting them to do the right thing. At least 80% of the people who surround Obama are pushing their own or another’s self interests and not those of American People. Americans need to infiltrate these Americans in order to overpower the traitors who are in there now.

August 1, 2010 Posted by | Uncategorized | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment