Americans United Against Fraud

Continue Effort By Citizens To Combat Unchecked Fraud

Companies Like Netflix Seeking To Take Away Citizens Rights

Here is a quote from Netflix’s newest user contract:

“Terms of Use

Welcome to Netflix. We are an online subscription service, providing our members with access to motion pictures, television and other audio visual entertainment (“movies & TV shows”) streaming over the Internet to certain Internet-connected TV’s, computers and other devices (“Netflix ready devices”). We’ve put together here some detailed terms and conditions. You should read and understand them as they govern your use of our service.
These Terms of Use provide that all disputes between you and Netflix will be resolved by BINDING ARBITRATION. YOU AGREE TO GIVE UP YOUR RIGHT TO GO TO COURT to assert or defend your rights under this contract (except for matters that may be taken to small claims court). Your rights will be determined by a NEUTRAL ARBITRATOR and NOT a judge or jury and your claims cannot be brought as a class action. Please review the Arbitration Agreement below for the details regarding your agreement to arbitrate any disputes with Netflix…..”

Americans are inherently endowed with rights as citizens simply and precisely for being Americans. An inherent characteristic of those in power is to restrict, abolish or otherwise take away citizens rights if it means anything more than submitting to the dictates of what the controlling Elite wishes.

Our Federal and States Constitutions gives all of us a basic right to obtain justice either through our representatives or directly ourselves by way of litigation in the state and federal court systems. What is now very very clear is that the more power that these financial institutions and banks obtain, the more they bribe, cajole and influence legislators, courts and bureaucratic governments to reduce the inherent rights that our Constitutions affords us.

All mass populace around the world are extremely ignorant. Americans are no different. The Wall Street Movement is the most recent indicator of this.

In 1980, the majority of American men with some females elected in Ronald Reagan who brought into office a mass of Wall Street power brokers in order to permit them access to guiding him and executive branch on how to eliminate and or rewrite rules, and later laws, that would tear down the laws and subsequent rules that president Franklin D. Roosevelt and his Congressional leaders of the time enacted to grow and protect the American middle class. In fact, the “American Dream” and its rich concepts derived directly from that era.

Before the advent of television. Most people read and talked about things which were intelligent and educational about the country. Once television came and other media, the greatest selling tool was born. American Capitalism was not perfect back then, but it was one of the best things around. However, once the drive to sell, sell, sell infiltrated its ranks and the power of TV was harnessed to manipulate and program our minds, then the Barons of Human Control became King.

Wall Street had always been a place of gamblers. Before the Great Depression Wall Street was lifted to the status of being the chief God of America. It was chartered to be an entity where businesses could raise capital, but in the early 1900s it became a place of Thieves and Robbers who ran the United States into a ditch which caused millions to become homeless, jobless etc.

Sound familiar?

Those who do not know history, and act as if they know it, are destine to repeat it and end up in a more severe ditch then before.

Wall Street wrote the Netflix new contract provisions. Or more accurately, they helped design it. Most of you who have little or no idea about the law and how it works will not know the significance of what such contracts will do.

Why do you suppose a simple company providing access to our favorite movies or shows would have you agree to a contract which causes you to give up your inherent right as an American to sue them before judge and jury?

If I am not doing anything to harm you would I seek such a precious right? Do you even know how precious it is?

Wall Street since the first Bush was president began to have its lawyers create contracts for, first business owners, then home owners, which said that they had to give up their rights to sue. Up until now many courts have not upheld such, but those judges who are bribed with the promise of high paying jobs after they get off the bench have allowed citizens rights to be taken away.

The reason the current Wall Street Movement demonstrates just how ignorant most Americans are is due to the clear fact that most Americans are not out there protesting with those brave people. That’s right, your failure to support them in some way – it does not necessarily have to be going out there – like sending them food, writing every senator, congressmen, mayor, governor and Obama himself, demanding that they take the side of the People, clearly shows what your true level of intelligence is.

October 29, 2011 Posted by | Uncategorized | , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment