Americans United Against Fraud

Continue Effort By Citizens To Combat Unchecked Fraud

President’s Copenhagan Trip Was Good


So Chicago did not get the chance to host the Olympic games, but it was sure a strong attempt.

There are a whole lot of haters out there calling the President’s trip to Copenhagen as a mistake. They seem to believe that it degrades the Presidency by setting the president up as looking like a defeated salesperson. That since no other president lobbied the Olympic committee that he should not have done so.

The Greeks have an appropriate word for that, its called “Baloney.” President Obama is not only a unique president for simply being another human being, but his whole background is radically unique.

A lot of childish minds are coming out of the wood work. It is understandable for losers of a political campaign to have regrets, feel bad and want to get back. But a large percentage of Republicans are showing bona fide hatred towards a human being who is expressing compassion, care and desire to help people. Contrast that to Bush who express lack of compassion and hatred towards others.

Are we attracted to personalities who are common to us?

Others are simply saying that the President tried his best but ran into the Olympic politics. The haters are saying Obama Rejected or No We Can’t and the like.

For God’s sake, grow up!

October 3, 2009 Posted by | 1 | , , , , | Leave a comment

National Home Loan Recall

There needs to be a commonsense act where all mortgage lenders from Mom and Pop banks up to B of A are ordered to recall every single loan that they issued to home owners just as auto producers and other manufacturers will recall products or produce that are known to be defective.

I truly do not understand why this has not been a central part of the Government plans.

Evidence is mounting more and more which shows that real culprits behind our economic ills has been individuals at the helms of Wall Street firms as Merrill Lynch, Lehman Brothers, Moody’s, Dune and Bradstreet and lenders as Wells Fargo, Countrywide, B of A and others, who conspired to strip the equity out of American homes and transfer most of it into their own hands and other investors who are not Americans. That’s right. American investment firms sold off American property to hedge funds and other negotiable instruments that were picked up by many American institutions and foreigners. Instead of industry and the things it produce being the backbone of Wall Street investment, they pushed Reagan and other administrations to deregulate the money industry so they could sell American property. The results have been horrible for the common folks more than any other.

The Center on Public Integrity has found over 75% of the loans issued in the last decade were defective products in some area. Contracts were made which were in fact illegal. Falsified loan and other documents just scratches the surface.

Bottom line: we need for President Obama to begin mandates that directs all lenders to recall their loans and redo them. This is where the bail out money should be going. Modifications are not working because they are keeping home owners in the same predatory loans that we need to escape from. We need to go back to traditional loans, and simply stop penalizing borrowers with higher fees. If a person is such a risk on borrowing, then why lock them into higher loans? This means that you’re making them even a greater risk. It’s insanity!

September 18, 2009 Posted by | 1 | , , , , | 3 Comments

Does The U.S. Media Have Amnesia

It took nearly 40 years, but President Jimmy Carter finally stood up with the truth of American racists’.

In 2008, 51% of Americans voted in the first African American President ever. Over 48% voted against him. Based on the January 2009 report by the IBS Institute, over 15% of these anti-Obama voters can be squarely identified as hard-core racists’ who conscious wish the death of the President and see the world coming to an end. What is more significant is the fact that there is evidence that 70% of the remaining voters were, and continue to be, influenced by the hard-core racist fringe. In 20th Century American Struggle, 21st Century Hope, authors Dr Salma Rashid and David Merritt clearly explain how “psychogenetic” traits are passed on to others which influences there behavior. Just as most people are influenced by school mates, co-workers, neighbors and others to make decisions in their lives, those who we politically associate with will induce certain behaviors in us, either on a conscious or subconscious levels.

All this aside, the bottom line is that the older voting Whites were, the less they voted for President Obama. The younger Whites were, the more they voted for him. There was a very very small number of older Whites who voted for him. It was the younger Whites who helped elect him.

Now get this.

The very same folks you see at these so called Tea Parties, 98% were part of the 48% who did not vote for him. These are the same or similar folks who were at the McCain/Palin rallies spewing out racial hatred.

Why did it take President Jimmy Carter acknowledging the reality of Republican racism instead our high tech Media? Where are the hard hitting reporters? I can understand FOX not wishing to expose this, but CNN, ABC and others?

If the Media wishes to stay relevant in our ever increasing information world, it needs to get its act out of sensationalism and report substance and truth.

We need to combat this, go to:

September 16, 2009 Posted by | 1 | , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

The Links Between Health Care and Racism

What no one has publicly acknowledged, is how the opposition to health care for all is very closely tied to racism and the like.

I have insurance coverage that allows me to go to any doctor in the U.S. in order to handle my health issues. It’s something that I do not think of much at all, at least not until I think of those who do not have it, but in listening to the latest attacks on President Obama’s efforts, I see so clearly the footprints of the same minds that drives wedges between Americans based on Race, Culture, Religion, Sex etc.

We Americans suffer from gullibility and stupidity. We do not look below the surface of what comes at us. We give too much credibility to those who look like us or those we have come to follow. Yes I know, mostly 95% of the masses are sheep who must follow otherwise they will feel or actually be lost, but does a sheep always have to be a sheep all the time?

What is wrong with Americans helping other Americans secure health care? We support military welfare and the arms industry which spreads weapons around the globe that kills thousands each year. We support a prison industrial complex which produces the majority of criminals, homosexuals and racists who are injected back into our society each year. We support auto-companies who are refusing to improve emissions in order to support the oil companies that collectively poison our air. We support the drug industry that ensures 80% of us have drugs in our system 300 days a year. We even support large agricultural corporations who are not only putting the family farms out of commissions, but altering the food supply not to improve our health, but to secure a patent that will give them the authority to charge for foods that God provided to us freely.

Listen closely to the hatred that spews out of the opponents of health care for all. Its not love, but greed. Follow the money…. Those who are attacking the plan will lose billions and trillions. They will not be able to have run away cost. It’s really a system designed for the elite of the elite. They are using the same fear and scare tactics that Republicans have used skillfully to divide our nation into hating or disliking one another.

Let’s stop being so damn mean, and start being our brothers and sisters keeper.

July 21, 2009 Posted by | 1 | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

President Obama’s Life Is On The Line–Americans Rise Up In Arms

No matter how much I intellectually know that most people are sheep and selfish, I am profoundly surprised that no Americans have clearly acknowledged that Barrack Obama’s life is in danger from more than just the Ku Klux Klan, and their type.

No matter how much we love our America, it is basically the most violent country around. Domestically we practice a kind of collective self hatred where we are mistrustful, dishonest and even dislike each other although we do not personally know each other. Everyday hundreds of Americans are being injured or killed in acts of violence and 99% of it goes unnoticed or unreported. We program our children with more violence than we teach non-violence. We’re motivated to be nice usually when there is something in it for us. And we do not symphathize with others who have suffered physical, financial or other types of suffering until we face it. Obviously there are exceptions.

This is a general overview of our social pool from whence Barrack Obama must lead.

Right now, in Washington, D.C. there are a multitude of agents who work for the Military Armament industry, Drugs (i.e. Pharmaceuticals); Prison Industrial Complex (former Presents Bushes are prime owners); Medical; Banking and other lesser industries. Each and every day they put a full court press on the President and his staff to act on things which would benefit them and, 9 times out of 10, not benefit common Americans. Americans have a few groups who do their best. Believe it or not Ralph Nadar and his elk are significant in the consumer rights area; the Center for Public Integrity another; those who fight against gun control, Citizens United for the Reform of Errants; NAACP and others. The problem is that those who are advocating on behalf of Americans do not command the billions of dollars which gives access to the back halls of Congress and the Presidency.

The fact of the matter is that President Obama would be assassinated if he truly did what was truly right for Americans, and he knows this. Americans do not understand this however. If we did, we would all form a march on Washington, totting shotguns, and demand that the entrenched politicians refrain from catering to the wealthy and highly connected or we’re taking our government back by backing Barrack Obama.

No matter what ideology you have hitherto espoused, we as Americans will not have another chance as we do now, for at least another 100 years. President Obama has committed himself to change, and if Americans rose up in overwhelming mass to support him in a way which showed the mighty power brokers that we too are willing to put our lives on the line for change, then he would then be able to weld the influence that We The People need him to. Short of this, we may as well not complain about what he is or is not doing. He himself cannot call for such support while in the den of lions, but we can if we only truly Hope.

July 13, 2009 Posted by | 1 | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Micheal Joseph Jackson, A 21st Century King & Prophet

I have certainly been feeling horrible about the death of Micheal Jackson. He was actually born a month after me. I first saw him in Rhode Island just after he knocked the sox off of a theater full of very demanding African Americans at New York’s Appollo theater. Without them and their confirmation, he may never had become known to the world.

But I’m wondering whether I am the only one wishing that Michael and I were friends? Friends in a way where I could have provided him the direction he needed to stay alive. Over the past few days I have gone from surprise, dismay, anger to disappointment. I am finding myself daydreaming about reversing the hand of Time back several years and doing all that I could to become a true friend of Micheal, so I could do all I could to be a feeder or filler in his life amid all the eaters and takers. With the exception of Janet and Latoyla, his sisters, there were few others who not parasytes who preyed upon his soul.

Sure, everyone knew that he was being pumped up with “legal” drugs that was poisoning his mind and body, but there was something more that was sapping the life out of him. It has always been clear to me that Micheal was a very sensative, humble soul that was moreso than the rest of us. Yes, his parents abnormally sheltered and demanded of him and his siblings things that was clearly unhealthy for children. In a way, their demands left him vulnerable and weak in dealing with a very demanding world.

Where Micheal differed from the Beatles and Elvis was his spiritual connection with humanity. He was a modern Buddha or Ghandi like soul. He wanted nothing more than to better the world and he knew that it depended upon the children. But even there the world was mean enough to block him from accomplishing this.

He started off as a talented musical and dancing artist, but evolved into a cultural revolutionary, and much more.

Listening to his last press conference where he announced his London tour, there was clear finality in his tone and visceral core. In retrospect, it sounds like the guy knew that he was going to die. He did not anticipate it to be so soon. Our world always kills prophets. What else do you truly define a person who has almost single handedly alter an entire generation of Whites who were feed the poison of racism by there parents and other adults, yet defied them to the point of electing America’s first African American president?

I’m thankful that he did actually live long enough to see some of the results of his efforts. That’s right, Barrack Obama owes his presidency, in part, to the monumental barriers that King Micheal conquered and tore down.

We all need to truly get along better. See

June 29, 2009 Posted by | 1 | , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Preventing A Taliban Victory In Pakistan

Here is an inside scoop from a dear friend in Pakistan. He is a former Professor of Standford and is one of the most kind hearted conscientious humans I have ever meet. In several ways he has a Ghandi-like nature. At any rate, he is very bold. He has been in the heart of danger for quite some time, but speaks freely for justice and freedom. He is one of the Great voices of Pakistan and so I am obligated to publish his words here and elsewhere. Enjoy.

Now that the army has turned serious, Baitullah Mehsud cannot expect to
stroll down Constitution Avenue any time soon, nor hope to sit in the
presidency. A few thousand mountain barbarians, even if trained by Al
Qaeda’s best, cannot possibly seize power from a modern, well-armed state
with 600,000 soldiers. The spectre of Pakistan collapsing in six months –
a fear expressed by a senior US military adviser in March – has

But there is little cause for elation. Daily terror attacks across the
country give abundant proof that religious extremism has streamed down the
mountains into the plains. Through abductions, beheadings and suicide
bombings, Taliban insurgents are destabilising Pakistan, damaging its
economy and spreading despondency.

Look at Islamabad, a city of fear. Machine-gun bunkers are ubiquitous
while traffic barely trickles past concrete blocks placed across its
super-wide roads. Upscale restaurants, fearing suicide bombers, have
removed their signs although they still hope clients will remember. Who
will be the next target? Girls’ schools, internet cafes, bookshops, or
western clothing stores with mannequins? Or perhaps shops selling toilet
paper, underwear, and other un-Islamic goods?

The impact on Pakistan’s women is enormous. Throwing acid, or threatening
to do so, has been spectacularly successful in making women embrace
modesty. Today there is scarcely a female face visible anywhere in the
Frontier province. Men are also changing dress – anxious private
employers, government departments and NGOs have advised their male
employees in Peshawar and other cities to wear shalwar-kameez rather than
trousers. Video shops are being bombed out of business, and many barbers
have put “no-shave” notices outside their shops.

If public support were absent, extremist violence could be relatively easy
to deal with. But extremism does not lie merely at the fringes. As an
example, let us recall that 5,000 people crammed the streets outside Lal
Masjid to pray behind the battle-hardened pro-Taliban militant leader,
Maulana Abdul Aziz, the day after he was released from prison on the
orders of interior minister Rehman Malik.

In the political arena, the extremists have high-profile cheerleaders like
Imran Khan, Qazi Hussain Ahmad and Hamid Gul who rush to justify every
attack on Pakistan’s people and culture. To them it makes no difference
that Baitullah Mehsud proudly admits to the murder of Allama Dr Sarfaraz
Ahmad Naeemi, the recent Peshawar mosque bombing, the earlier Wah
slaughter and scores of other hideous suicide attacks. Like broken
gramophone records, they chant “Amrika, Amrika, Amrika” after every new
Taliban atrocity.

Nevertheless, bad as things are, there is a respite. To the relief of
those who wish to see Pakistan survive, the army finally moved against the
Taliban menace. But, while the state has committed men to battle, it
cannot provide them a convincing reason why they must fight.

For now some soldiers have bought into the amazing invention that the
Baitullahs and Fazlullahs are India’s secret agents. Others have been told
that they are actually fighting a nefarious American-Jewish plot to
destabilise Pakistan. They now believe that Pakistan’s mullahs are
actually being paid by RAW, Mossad, and the CIA. To inspire revenge, still
others are being shown the revolting Taliban-produced videos of Pakistani
soldiers being tortured and beheaded.

That the enemy lacks an accurate name typifies the confusion and
contradiction within. In official parlance they are called “militants” or
“extremists” but never religious extremists. It is astonishing that the
semi-literate Fazlullah, on whose head the government has now placed a
price, is reverentially referred to as “maulana”. On the other hand there
is no hesitation in describing Baloch fighters – who fight for a
nationalist cause rather than a religious one – as rebels or terrorists.

A muddled nation can still fight, but not very well and not for too long.
Self-deception enormously increases vulnerability. Yet, Pakistan’s current
army and political leaders cannot alone be blamed for the confusion;
history’s baggage is difficult to dispense with.

To say what really lies at the heart of Pakistan’s problems will require
summoning more courage than presently exists. The unmentionable truth –
one etched in stone – is that when a state proclaims to have a religious
mission, it inevitably privileges those who organise religious life and
interpret religious text. It then becomes difficult – perhaps impossible –
to challenge those who claim to fight for religious causes. After all,
what’s wrong with the Taliban mission to bring the Sharia to Pakistan?

If there was one solid unchallengeable version of the faith, then at least
there would be a clear answer to this question. But conflict becomes
inevitable once different models and interpretations start competing.
Whose version of the Sharia should prevail? Whose jihad is the correct
one? Who shall decide? Lacking a central authority – such as a pope or
caliph – every individual or group can claim to be in possession of the
divine truth. The murder of Dr Naeemi by the Taliban comes from this
elementary fact.

For now the Baitullahs, Fazlullahs, Mangal Baghs, and their ilk are on the
run. Yet, they could still win some day. Even if killed, others would
replace them. So, while currently necessary, military action alone can
never be sufficient. Nor will peace come from merely building more roads,
schools and hospitals or inventing a new justice system.

Ultimately it is the power of ideas that shall decide between victory and
defeat. It is here that Pakistan is weakest and most vulnerable. A gaping
philosophical and ideological void has left the door open to demagogues
who exploit resource scarcity and bad governance. They use every failing
of the state to create an insurrectionary mood and churn out suicide
bombers. Only a few Islamic scholars, like Dr Naeemi, have ventured to
challenge them.

The long-term defence of Pakistan therefore demands a determined
ideological offensive and a decisive break with the past. Nations win wars
only if there is a clear rallying slogan and a shared goal.

For this, Pakistan must reinvent itself as a state that is seen to care
for its people. Instead of seeking to fix the world’s problems – Kashmir,
Afghanistan and Palestine included – it must work to first fix its own.

A nation’s best defence is a loyal citizenry. This can be created only by
offering equal rights and opportunities to all regardless of province,
language and, most importantly, religion and religious sect. Navigating
the way to heaven must be solely an individual’s concern, not that of the

[The author teaches at Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad.]

see for viable alternative to intergroup conflict.


June 21, 2009 Posted by | 1 | , , , , , , | Leave a comment

The Boldest American President In A Looong!!!! Time

It is absolutely incredible what our President has done. When you think he has done his best, and really could not do much more, he comes with something totally fresh.

What we just witnessed today is a President who has more guts then any president in more than 50 years. Not since the Great Depression has America had a president who had the boldness and insight in a president. Clinton did nothing more than support the elite as he threw larger crumbs to the common folks and spoke as if from the heart. Reagan was a new branding of racism and intolerence. Kennedy made history by being Catholic.

It was Franklin D. Roosevelt who rose as only Lincoln and Washington before him had. We are clearly living in a time that shall be remembered forever in historical archieves. President Obama literally addressed Muslims as no other president or person has ever addressed them since their Prophet Muhammad. No one has ever addressed them so powerfully and deeply from the west.

Every time that I visited Pakistan, UAE and other Muslim countries, there was a visible hostility that did not exist 20 years ago on visits. But just this year the air was changed.

Seemingly, with a master stroke, President Obama has done the impossible. I had told countless Muslims around the world that Obama was clearly going to take America in a new direction which would be less fearful of Islam and others who had brown skin. To a person, every moderate to extreme minded person I debated with couldn’t disagree more. They saw him as the puppet of the “White” elite who would simply maintain the same policies as before. Today was a beautiful sigh of relief for me.

I must admit that I doubted my prediction once Obama sided with the Big Bank and Financial lobbiest who pushed, first for the 700 Billion dollar rescue package, then for the 2009 Stimulas one. Neither are anything a person of conscience would be proud of, it was feeding thieves and gamblers. However, as I have written elsewhere, America is a very violent country which kills presidents who do not go along with their ideology. Our President is wise enough to walk the fine line.

Nonetheless, no European-American President could speak to the World with such authority and credibility simply because most of their political, social and economic forefathers projected White Supremacy everywhere America went. Only a mentally blind fool would find negative in what our President has accomplished. This is a significant blow to Racists in America. They are praying to a White god to cause Obama to fail. For him to revolutionize America’s image is causing hemiraging in their quarters. It’s a shame, but the truth.


June 5, 2009 Posted by | 1 | , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Victims of Predatory Lending Are Being Preyed Upon Again

The Center for Public Integrity has reported in their 88 page report entitled “Who’s Behind the Financial Meltdown?” that billions upon billions of dollars were poured into the coffers of John McCain, George Bush, Cheny, Hilliary Clinton and many other public officials, in order to influence them to deregulate the mortgage industry and allow a kind of financial orgy to ensue. Countrywide, Bank of America, Wells Fargo and others were major contributors.

We all now know how their investments resulted in our global crisis; what few are pointing to is how it is continuing.

Ironically our Change President Obama has supported and even helped push through spending Bank bail out measures that exceeds One (1) trillion dollars. The short of it is that 1 trillion dollars could have actually been committed to an entirely new, independant banking system which could have extended refinancing to every single qualified home owner throughout the US; refinanced them at their home’s current market rate; extended credits/loans to every single small business throughout the country who was struggling with payrolls and new equipment purchases and lifted the economy at least 20 times more than where it stands currently. This new bank could be the U.S. People’s Bank ran by citizens on a credit union model. After all, it is all of our money, not theirs alone!

Obviously this would have called for the bankruptcy of all those poorly ran organizations and the denial of millions of dollars in payments which have been, and continue to be made, to key persons who were part of creating this mess.

This entire drama is illustrating just how corrupt humans, particularly men are. There is very little regard for the average citizen and a complete disregard for honesty and ccaring. Our public officials are voting for the interests of multimillionaires and has obviously corrupted President Obama.

Now the banking and mortgage industry are not the only culprits here. Oil companies had the most perfect timing in stabbing our economic heart with their outrageous oil and gasoline prices. Yes, yes Europeans and others pay much more, however, American people have and continue to subsidize the oil industry in numerous ways which makes their empires possible. Even the Saudias owe their current abilities to America who took down Saddam Hussein.

There is now an entire Cottege Industry which has sprung up where persons are calling themselves loan auditors, loan modifiers and more. They are contacting the very citizens who were already victimized by this all, to trust them to help them out for several thousands of dollars. The government is doing very little to notify the Public about these dangers and are condoning the culprits. Disperation breeds ignorance.

The only way to get out of this nightmare is for all of us to take conscious efforts to wake up and take actions with our representatives that calls them on their alliances and to become representatives ourselves in some form.

June 3, 2009 Posted by | 1 | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

God Is On Obama’s Side

The most extraordinary, miraculous thing is taking place in America. By all social indicators, more than 65% of Whites (more accurately European Americans) are not inclined to vote for Obama because of his brown skin. There are not enough African Americans and Minorities to elect him. McCain and the Republicans are invoking all degrees of deception, lies and manipulations to ensure that European Americans maintain their prejudices, yet Barrack Obama is looking more and more as if he may very well win. This is totally contrary to our earlier predictions.

No one of course could have counted on the current economic fiasco. With all the corruptions of the Bush administration to sell out the American people by replacing going after oil in Iraq instead of going after Osama Bin Laden; conspiring with American and foreign oil companies to rape Americans with obscene fuel prices; encourage corporations to disregard American economic, education and technological leadership in the world and transfer American wealth and status overseas; and on and on, the average European American was still backing the GOP. This against all odds of survival and against the most primeval instincts.

The first significant sign that God was not on the McCain’s side was in seeing how he was forced by Bush to sell his soul to the Bush policies if he not only wanted Bush’s backing, but to not be attacked and exposed with the Right Wing Racists of the GOP. Even with this he could not pull up in the polls too much, but was doing very well considering the defecation that the GOP was leaving. The Next significant milestone was in selecting Palin as running mate. It was a master chest move. The idea was sound, but the piece (Palin) is not one which can stand up to scrutiny. She helped pull McCain up somewhat, but her ineptitude and outright lies and empty headedness is now becoming a detriment. Of course now we have the greatest economic crisis since the Great Depression exposing to the most prejudiced that the GOP has torn apart the foundation of our economy in order to feed the Fat Cats.

I have never recognized God in American Politics before. But to me it is utterly clear that God is allowing things to happen which continuously pushes Obama to the front of the line. In several talk shows I’ve been on, I have explicitly shown how if we list all the qualities of McCain next to Obama, adding in the variables of the major current events, European Americans consistently elects McCain by a margin of 3 to 1. However, when we replace Obama’s brown skin with pink skin and use the name Paul Silverspoon, McCain loses by 2 to 1.

There are only about 15% of Americans who benefited from the Bush years. Logically, these are the only folks who should be voting for the GOP. Yet McCain continues to generate much more. Those European Americans who are voting for him based on color, whether consciously or unconsciously, are going to be in much need of help from the rest of us if Obama wins this election. This is something that many of us should recognize and prepare for.

October 2, 2008 Posted by | Blogroll, News | , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment