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Wow! Nazis Control Arizona? I Really Didn’t Know That

I had no idea that Arizona was being lead by a Nazi regime. Of course I do not live there, nor do I particularly care for the state because it is very very hot and has more police cameras than any place I’ve ever seen.

Arizona governor Janice Brewer, a Republican, has been working with state legislature to craft and enact a law which specifically targeted those who look like Mexicans for arrest, criminal penalties and sanctions. The governor and state representatives says that it is not racial profiling, but it was actually designed by European Americans (Whites) who do not associate with Mexicans or other minorities in their personal lives. An investigation also reveals that each voting member belongs to churches or associations which are all White.

Arizona is a state which has always had native Americans, many of whom we call “Indians” or “Mexicans.” It’s a land which use to belong to Mexico until Whites took it over with other states.

This new law authorizes police to stop any person whom they believe may not be an American citizen and require them to prove that they are. If they cannot prove this, then they are criminally arrested, booked and held in custody until they can prove such.

In Nazi Germany, Jews were assigned stars which were required to be worn on their clothes anytime they were out in public. This enabled police and others to identify Jews and apply special harsh treatment. It also was part of the Nazis larger more long-term plan to dehumanize them so the mass perceived them to be less than human and influence germans to either conspire with them, or condone, the plans to steal all of their wealth and ultimately exterminate them.

Governor  Brewer, along with several other Arizona republicans, is a direct descendant of Whites who supported slavery and Jim Crow laws. White officials are the ones who created laws which authorized police and citizens to stop, question and arrest any one whom they suspected was not a citizen. Of course back then, very few African-Americans had actually won their freedom, but even those who had were stopped, arrested and taken into slavery even though they were not. There are other negatives about such laws which can be learned elsewhere, for now, this serves as an adequate example.

Whenever racists gains control of state power, such actions are the natural results. In fact you can look at officials actions to determine what is in their hearts. Arizona officials are saying that they do not have any racist motives, but their actions demonstrate actions of a racist.

The immigration law signed into law today is a Jim-Crow era law. Those who do not know history, or who ignores history, are destined to repeat it.

There is never any justification for creating laws which will bring out the worst in us. Police by their very roles in society, are subject to dehumanize citizens. They do not see themselves as being citizens, but the police of the citizens and so above us. Yes,  they swear themselves in to “serve and protect,” but it is the state or federal government, the constitution which they see as their masters. In turn, these are controlled by lawmakers and other higher ranking officials.

Arizona’s law will of course have to be thrown out as unconstitutional, but it’s a clear sign that racists’ are very much alive and well in our political world and should be fought against. Americans who are decent and conscious need to go to the rescue of those human beings in Arizona. In truth, maybe Federal troops should be dispatched to Arizona and governor and representatives arrested for creating laws which will encourage and cause Hate Crimes against Latino-Americans.

April 24, 2010 Posted by | Uncategorized | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Rise of Home Grown Terrorism – Again

Last week the Southern Poverty Law Center released its Intelligence Report regarding the rapid rise of racist hate groups in the United States, partly in the form of militias. They are directly reacting to the presidency of Barrack Obama. Each day they are eating and digesting raw hatred. The men who are leading the recruitment efforts of whites to adopt this hate are men who are incapable of leading others under healthy normal issues and ways, but they are increasingly becoming more and more successful.

The last time we saw a significant rise was during Bill Clinton’s presidency. But it was no where it is now.

As we know, hatred has been always alive in the United States and part of its foundation. South African Whites learned from the US on erecting its system of Apartied, and of course Hitler’s Nazi Germany was motivated and guided from the US’s Fathers of Racism. Racism throughout the world gets its main food from America. America leads in world racism, not because most or even the majority of White Americans are racists’, but precisely because the minority who are, speak from the Pulpit of a Superpower.

Just as the world look towards America to lead in economic, technological and other areas, the area of race has no less of a position and status. White Americans of the 1960’s and 70’s stood up and publically rejected the Right Wing racism which produced enormous healing to the country. We are now in an era where Whites will need to step up again and battle their own. The danger is very, very real.

A significant segment of the Republican Party are stoking the flames of hate specifically for political purposes. The statistical fact is that 80% of those connected to Militias identifies themselves as Republicans, or state that the GOP are closest to their political hearts. Although the most extreme racists’ are not active GOP members, and belong to the KKK, White Citizen and other groups, they actively work everyday to feed their hatred to those who are in the party in order to filter it all into mainstream.

Yes, the GOP  is the doorway Racists’ use to manipulate and control White America.

Timothy McVeigh was a home-grown terrorist who blew up a Federal Building in Oklahoma. There is a sufficient history and bio on him by Douglas Linder which shows many of the ingredients of today’s racists’. The majority of Americans, as most people of the world, find it difficult to understand racists’. It takes effort, a great deal of it, to hate. It reduces the capacity to function in other more socially healthy ways. Perhaps it’s precisely when we have more important things to do which are healthy that keeps us from sinking into things which are not. Americans are so busy with the day-to-day activities of making money, entertainment and maintaining relationships that they simply do not have time nor energy to get into other things.

Terrorism in general grows out of a chronic dissatisfaction with ones circumstance.  Most terrorists’ dissatisfaction derives from imagined problems and issues which are based on portions of reality. Seeing President Obama signals that African-Americans are being much more socially recognized as being Americans. This is reality. But they attach to this the view that “Blacks” and Jews are overtaking our government in order to enslave them. Seeing the Banking  crisis of 2009-09 and the Trillions of dollars in bailout funds signals that American financial institutions are corrupt and bankrupt, are clear realities. They then attach to this that “Jews and Blacks” are being enriched by it and are deliberately doing so in order to bring America down to a 3rd World status nation.

Right now, today, there are hundreds of Timothy McVeigh-like Whites being programmed to commit acts of violence in America. Right now, they are plotting on what to do and how to do it. Most of the acts starts off small. E.g. robbing or fighting with those they see as enemies. All in an effort to lay mental foundation for maximum control. It’s the same techniques employed my Arab-Muslim extremists’. The latter will train followers to misinterpret the Quran – Islams – holy book. The formers will use the Jewish and Christian books to reinterpret what is occurring in the world at large and in their lives specifically. The end result is same. Producing violence on those trying to live normal lives.

When I stay months in Pakistan, Dubai and elsewhere in the Muslim world, I find that most people do not believe in terrorism. In fact, every Mosque – Muslims churches – must be guarded by police due to muslims being attacked and killed by extremists. But I find sympathy coming from the average person. They can relate to why the extremist are fighting. They have a sense of why they hate the “West” and perceive America as an enemy.

When I talk with many White American men in private one-on-ones, I learn that they have varying degrees of sympathy with right-wing extremists’. Typically its only the older males and some females who hold sympathies, while the younger ones have less understanding. Most of them cannot articulate coherent basis for why they sympathize, but cite vague things about the conditions we’re in and threats we face.

Whether you’re part of majority Muslim majority or White American majority who do not openly support terrorism, as long as you remain silent or otherwise not actively rejecting your extremists’, you are supporting them. For hatred, whether at home or abroad, only thrives in a land where the majority remains quiet. It does no good for a minority to fight hatred, they can only be so effective. Success can only come if the entire family comes together to perform an intervention.

Prosecutions and prison is not truly the best remedy for such problems. Confronting those who feed hatred into people is the most effective way to combat hatred. Getting the poison at its root, not the branches it produces. The David Dukes, Congressman Steve Kings, and Senator Lindsey Grahams of the world are the types of racists’ leaders who uses race to galvanize their supporters. The problem is that it infects our society and hinders progress in other more meaningful areas.

I do not like identifying any one group with such sickness, but the fact is that the GOP is the main gateway that racists’ use to feed Americans their hatred. The truth of the matter is that we need another type of party that does not tolerate such minds. But alas, the GOP does not wish to cater to mainstream Americans precisely because its greater and main interests’ revolves around big business. So essentially, big business uses the racists’ to attract those who would like to associate themselves with the wealthiest. Not being racists, themselves and not having no way to attract the common person, its their only way to gain a foothold into our political system.

If America did not have the one person one vote, then big business would not need to make inroads into the hearts and minds of the people and therefore would not support racists’.

The solution should now be obvious to you.

April 4, 2010 Posted by | 1 | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment